Well the other day I went to the pink palace with a friend from work to see a new clothing exhibit. Well the exhibit on display was like 6-8 pieces of clothing from the 1930’s-1990’s. That clothing exhibit was not very exciting, but then we went into the main exhibits with all the other exhibits were. This time I had brought the Kodak disposable camera, and there was only one time that I took a picture, and the flash tuned off compared to the Fuji camera where the flash went off after each picture and I did not realize it went off until after I took the picture. All the pictures of the costumes that I took with my dad’s digital camera have been re-taken and when we stopped in the gift shop, I bought two of my first costume books:
American Family of the 1920s Paper Dolls in Full Color
By Tom Tierney
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0486258254/qid/002-4426367-7556003 And
Great Fashion Designs of the Twenties Paper Dolls in Full Color
by Tom Tierney
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0486244822/ref/002-4426367-7556003 I am excited that I purchased the books, and I hope the pictures come out ok too. I will post pictures on my website as soon as I get them developed. Stay tuned.