Gacked from Claire as distraction from studying

Apr 15, 2007 16:07

Describe. The. Following.
Answer. In. One. Word.

1. Where is your cell phone? Missing

2. Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend? - invisible

3. Your hair? - spiky

4. Your mother? - Clever

5. Your father? - Similar

6. Your favourite item? - Laptop

7. Your dream last night? - Non-existent

8. Your favourite drink? - OJ

9. Your dream car? - Vanquish

10. The room you are in? - Bedroom

11. Your ex? - Past

12. Your fear? - Drowning

13. What do you want to be in 10 years? - employed

14. Who did you hang out with last night? - Housemates

15. What you're not? - awake

19. The last thing you did? - Showered

20. What are you wearing? - Boxers

22. Your favourite book? - lots

23. The last thing you ate? - Cookie

24. Your life? - Confusing

25. Your mood? - Weird

26. Your friends? - Fabulous

27. What are you thinking about right now? - Final

28. Your car? - Stolen

29. What are you doing at the moment? - Thinking

30. Your summer? - Work

31. Your relationship status? - Interesting

32. What is on your tv? - Nothing

33. When is the last time you laughed? - Today

34. Last time you cried? - long-ago

35. School? - Stupid
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