Sep 16, 2007 22:56
Okay, you got me -- Otakon.
Back on the board of directors as a member-at-large, and back in the saddle as Guests/Industry/Press Relations Section Chief for 2008.
After our meeting Saturday, there are changes (mostly internal) in the works, and as with all change, some people are not happy about how things happen. And some of them handled it better than others, and in most cases it was ultimately handled in a productive manner. Those concerned said their piece, and got involved in doing something about it.
(Whatever else you may think about Otakon, we're run by people who care passionately about what happens and how it's run -- and who aren't willing to just let it go wrong. You wind up with a few bruises along the way, especially for those brave, foolish souls who willingly put themselves on the hot seat.)
Had an informal meeting with many of our staff and other con leadership. We set our priorities for Relations...and for what I really hope might go down as one of the legendary years for Otakon guests and industry participation.
*** gets down to work ***
con stuff