The gentle ready may recall that I spent half of yesterday engaged in "personal issues" (namely the violent removal from my system of all that had gone into it), and that I understandably opted to work from home. This was fraught with peril, as it happens, because once I logged in, I kept running into issues like "our development server cannot be found" (the C drive was full!), network problems with [CLIENT], and occasionally wifi outage.
Here's what I learned:
1. When you've got the runs, every sneeze or cough puts unwise demands on an already overtaxed containment field.
2. When your boss, attempting to be a wise-ass, asks you how you're feeling the next morning, one possible response is "I feel like someone drove a truck through my ass. How are you feeling?" This may, however, cause him to choke on his coffee.
3. Having your sleep disrupted for one night can lead to odd things, like falling asleep in the middle of doing something. (In other news, it is possible to fall asleep on the can -- but you wake up pretty quickly.)
Most importantly, I learned that while I very much enjoyed the crabs, I probably need to avoid them in future. I'm not sure if they were to blame, but I do sometimes react poorly to shellfish. Though it's worth noting that
there was something going around at the national book festival.