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Oct 09, 2005 16:54

~*All About Yourself*~~*Basics*~What's your real name?:melissa Do you like it?:it's okay What does it mean?:hunnybee What is/are your nickname(s)?:mo How old are you?:15 Gender?:female Birthplace?:detroit,michigan Birthdate?:may 8th 1990 You currently live in?:waterford You currently live with?:my mom and stepdad Do you have brothers &/or sisters?:yes Hair color?:brown Eye color?:hazel Heigth?:5'3 Contacts/glasses?:nope Hobbies?:cheerleading,soccer,choir Do you play sports?:yes What room are you in right now?:my basement What time is it?:3:35 pm Are you listening to music?:no If so what is it?:no Do you have any piercings?:yes Tatoos?:no ~*School*~School name?:waterford mott Mascot?:corsairs Grade?:10 Colors?:lime green Favorite subject?:choir Least favorite subject?:math Have you ever failed a class?:yes If so what?:science Favorite teacher?:mrs.kuhns Least favorite teacher?:mr.lindemulder If you could have any teacher fired,who would it be?:i dunno If you were a teacher,what subject would you teach?:choir Are you going to college?:i hope so If so,which one?:im not sure What are you going to major in?:music theory What do you want your carrer to be?:not sure ~*Favorites*~Color?:lime green Type of music?:all types Song?:skin-alexz johnson Group?:too hard Boy band?:too hard Girl band?:to hard Cd?:alexz johnson-self titled cd Video?:concrete angel Vacation spot?:bahamas Place to hang out?:friends house Holiday?:forth of july Season?:spring Day of the week?:thursday Sport?:cheerleading Sport to watch?:football Family member?:my puppy Store?:dollar general Hair style?(for guys):what ever works for that person Hair style?(for girls):same as above Website?:i dunno Country?:usa Smell?:gas Food?:chienese Drink?:sprite Car?:red mustainge confertable (erikas) SUV?:i dunno Place to make out?:movies Name?:aidan Kind of book?:novel-action,mystery Planet?:venus Sandwich?:tuna fish Joke?:why did the chiken cross the road?because there was a black person behind it lol Poem?:joseph dugans poems Color of clothing?:red Word?:squigee Animal?:koala Pet?:dog Radio station?:955 TV station?:ctv Electrically powered device?:cell phone Quote?:cant think of one right now Quote about love?:love is like an ocean the deeper you go the more breathless you become Swear word?:fuck Thing to do on a hot day?:swim On a cold day?:cuddle On a rainy day?:jump in puddles and dance Number?:6 Color of M & M?:brown Tree?:willow Disney movie?:i dunno ..im a deprived child Street name?:aquarina Soda?:sprite Magazine?:i like lots Cologne:calvin kline Perfume?:megan hudsons it smells good Coin?:dime Footbal team?:oakland Gum?:bubbalicous Starburst?:pink Jolly Rancher?:grape or green Weather?:rainy Vegetable?:broccoli Shape?:triangle Actor/Actress?:keanu reeves Computer game?:tetris Ice cream flavor?:chocolate Board game?:hmmmmmm Cereal?:life Island?:hawaii Athlete?:ben wallace Language?:german ~*Relationships*~Are you going out with any one?:no If so who?:no How long?:no Do you have a crush?:yes If so who?:mike How long have you liked them?:i dunno Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?:eric Who was your first kiss?:i dont remember Have you ever been dumped?:yes Have you ever dumped?:yes Do you want to get married?:yes If so what age?:i dunno If everyone was single and everyone eligible who would you go out with?:not sure ~*Do you know anyone who---*~Drinks underage?(how many):lots!! Smokes?(how many):lots!! Does drugs?(how many):even more!! Lost their virginity?(how many):maybe 20 give or take Worships the devil?(how many):i dunno Hates slurpies?(how many):NO!!!!!! Is a compulsive masturbator?(how many):no Likes the smell of dog poop?(how many):no Is crazy(realy crazy)?:mike!!!! Hates you?:i hope not Loves you(besides family mambers)?:everybody Likes to watch porno?:not telling Got caught watching porno?:not telling Eats dog food?:only for dares ~*Would you ever*~Eat bugs on purpose?:how much are they payin me? Commit a crime?:how big of a crime? Change your religion?:not sure Lie to your parents?:what about? Jump off a waterfall?:how high? Dress up as the opposite sex?:halloween!!! Sing in front of a lot of people?:sure Have sex in front of a lot of people?:NO!!!!!!(maybe) Tell a much older person you liked them?:i dunno Eat dog/cat food?:how much are they payin me? Swim in shark infested waters?:the ocean duh!!! Go to school naked?:nope ~*Have you ever*~Lied to your parents about something really important?:i dont remember Have your life threatened?:yes Stumbled across top secret documents?:yes Stayed up until morning chatting online?:yes Read a Shakespeare play?:yes Performed in a Shakespeare play?:no Written a play?:yes Written a book?:no Stole someone else's book and said you wrote it?:no Written a poem?:yes Stole a poem and said you wrote it?:no Talked in your sleep?:yes If so what did you say?:i dont know Sung at a karaoke bar?:no Been run over. . .by a bike?:yes Been run over. . .by a car?:no Been run over. . .by a remote controlled car?:???how?? Wanted someone you couldn’t have?:yes Shoplifted?:not on purpose Admit to something that you know would hurt you?:yes Taken incriminating pictures?:yes Been in incriminating pictures?:yes Blackmailed someone?:no ~*Which one*~:is this a question?? Plastic or paper bag?:plastic Carpeted or wood floor?:wood Paint or wallpaper?:paint E-mail or snail mail?:snail-mail??? Sunrise or sunset?:sunset Lake or ocean?:ocean Walk or run?:walk Water skiing or regular skiing?:water skiing Golf or mini golf?:mini golf Gold or silver?:silver Phone or computer?:computer Black & white or colored?:black and white Stripes or plaid?:strips Knock or doorbell?:doorbell Vanilla or chocolate?:both Laugh or cry?:cry Whisper or scream?:whisper Happy or sad?:happy ~*We're almost done*~And now what time is it?:4:51 So how long did this take you?:hour and 16?? Was it too long?:no cuz i left and cleand my room did dishes and came back lol Was it a pain in the butt?:no it was fun Take this survey | Find more surveys
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