Sep 28, 2006 11:13
- to wake up to a breakfast table set-up for me with a beautiful card to remind me of how much I'm loved
- to get flowers every day
- to have the love in my life
- to have support in my life
- for my healing and my well being
- my excellent health
- my moms healing and well being, her excellent health
- for Jims excellent health
- my family's and friends health
- to be alive
- for my body and my beauty
- to work with Bryan Carlstrom
- for the money I have
- the Investors I'm working with
- my freedom
- my talents, my gifts
- the opportunities the universe provides each and every day
- my bandmates
- my friends and the value they add to my life
- my supportive fans
- my loyal students
- my beautiful cats
- the clothing I have
- the house I live in
- the studio and all the equiptment
- the books I've come across
- for my strength and power
- for people believing in me when I'm not
I truly am grateful for all the things I have and I am recieving, for making my dreams reality.