(no subject)

Apr 28, 2005 15:26

Name: Jessie
Single or taken: Practically married.
Sex: Female
Birthday: February 28, 1986
Sign: Pisces
Hair colour: brownishred
Eye colour: brown or green or blue, with yellow.
Height: 5'7
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: Straight

F A S H I O N | S T U F F
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes?: I don't shop much, but I love Pacific Sunwear...I just won't shop there.
What is your sexiest outfit?: Probably...none.
What is your most comfortable outfit?: My swishy pants and just a tshirt or hoodie
What do you usually wear?: swishy pants and some tshirt or hoodie...unless we're going out, then jeans and a tshirt.

What kind of shampoo do you use?: Pert Plus woohoo
What are you listening to right now: the tv, me typing
Who is the last person that called you?: Momica
How many buddies are online right now?: 29
What would you change about yourself?: How lazy I am with school.

Foods: mmmmsubs and pizza from the corner store
Girls names: Alexandra, and I don't know.
Boys names: Alexander, Ian, that's really it I think.
Subjects in school: damn school!
Animals: LIONS! and Tigers, and PUPPIES!

H A V E | Y O U | E V E R
Given anyone a bath?: my brother when he was like 3
Bungee jumped?: no way
Made yourself throw up?: can't
Skinny dipped?: nooo way!
Ever been in love?: :)
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: I can't
Cried when someone died?: for like 3 years.
Lied: who hasn't?
Fallen for your best friend?: eh, happened a few times, but I got over it.
Rejected someone?: this is sad.
Used someone?: people have thought that I used them, but never wanted to or thought that I did.
Done something you regret?: of course, a few things...but I don't think about that.

Clothes: swishy pants/soccer shirt
Music: none, dad snoring.
Annoyance: school.
Smell: it smells kinda bad right now actually.
Desktop picture: my dad and Nixon (our dog)
Cd in player: Chevelle
DVD in player: Don't think there is one.

L A S T | P E R S O N
Hugged: Dave
You IMed: Adam
You yelled at: I don't know.
You kissed: Dave.

A R E | Y O U
Understanding: yes, but when it's stupid, no.
Open-minded: yes yes yes
Arrogant: eh
Insecure: kinda
Random: if I could be
Hungry: nope
Smart: not really
Moody: when it comes to friday nights, yes.
Hard working: depends.
Organized: I try
Healthy: eh, a little?
Shy: yes.
Difficult: I try not to be.
Attractive: ha.
Bored easily: yeah.
Obsessed: nah.
Angry: of course!
Sad: yes.
Happy: yes.
Hyper: nope.
Trusting: hmmm...I try to be.

W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A
Kill?: eh, no one.
punch?: my english teacher.
Talk to offline: no one, I hate the phone..but in person, anyone.
Talk to online: Kelly, but she's not on.

In the morning I: am really awake for about two hours, then I'm tired as hell.
All you need is: to have my summer break.
I dream about: Dave's dad dying?
What do you notice first in the guy/girl you're into: hair, style, face.

W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi, unless it's cherry coke.
Flowers or candy: mmmflowers are cute!
Tall or short: tallll

Makes you laugh the most: Dave, Scott, Kristen, Kristina, everyone ha.
Makes you smile the most: Dave.
Gives you stomach butterflies when you see him/her: I don't get that anymore, unless Dave surprises me.

D O | Y O U | E V E R
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: ha, I used to do that..but realized he's STUPID.
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: nope
Wish you were younger: no way, child hood sucked.
Cry because someone says something to you?: I haven't in a long time, but it has happened.

Of times I have had my heart broken: a couple.
Of hearts I have broken: shut up.
Of guys I've kissed: some.
Of girls I've kissed: some.
Of CD's I own: who knows.
Of scars on my body: a bunch, but they're all small and on my shins.
Of things that I regret: shut up.

Y O U R | T H O U G H T S
I know: that I should be working on MORE english stuff right now.
I want: to sleep the day away.
I have: to do my homework.
I wish: school was over now.
I hate: school.
I fear: a lot of stuff, but I don't think about it.
I hear: the tv, and snoring.
I search: for the end.
I wonder: how old I'll be when I finally move out.
I love: the grass.
I miss: Kelllllly.

I need a day off. I can't wait till school is over. I haven't been online, talked to anyone, or hung out with anyone in SO long. I go out on saturday night to get away from this school bullshit and I go to work, but that's it. The rest is just school.
It's so shitty.
My aunt is trying to plan a week in NY with me and Nicolle, but I don't even know if Nicolle wants to go, and I haven't talked to her about it because I don't even know if I can go yet. I might not even go at all.
It's almost May. I just want to finish school. THEN I'll deal with everything else.
I want to get a job at this 24 hour animal hospital at woodward and 16 mile. If I EVER have two minutes to myself, I'll go. ha. AND GAS!
Blah, I finally got so stressed out about all this bullshit that I cried real hard on tuesday night.
I haven't cried in a long time, but shit is just getting so crazy.
May 12 is my last day I think. I can't remember. I have so much stupid shit to do, too.
"Hi, it's your last month of school and we're gonna give you LOTS of work to do! IN EVERY CLASS!!"

I hate you.

I need some kind of celebration when this semester is over. C'mon, let's get fucked up. haha. juuust kidding.
Kelly, I'm talking about a friday or saturday night ;) Or maybe SHOPPING!!! Because I actually have a job now :)
Okay I miss you, bye.
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