(no subject)

May 13, 2007 01:29

If you've been watching the progress of my diet over here you'll see things are coming along well.

I've not been recording the amount of calories I've been eating because:
  • Laziness
  • Not being anal enough
  • Laziness
  • Can't be bothered
  • Laziness

I have been keeping track of how many joules I eat during the day. However, because I'm unable to remember a changing four digit number for more than about an hour, I've been counting in 0.5 MJ increments, and rounding up. Anything I don't know the count of, I estimate, and then double. As for other habits, I neglected gym on Friday, because I had an assignment to complete by that day, so I was up late the previous night. Nevertheless, Monday morning will see me there. I had forgotten how much I actually enjoy having exercised. Hooray for endorphins!

Sleep has been good, I've been able to get out of bed before 5:30 most mornings, to the gym by six when it opens, exercise, come home, and get ready for school at nine. I can be in early and it feels like I've wandered in around noon. However Thursday and Friday nights have screwed me up. I was up until two on Thursday, and on Friday night went out for well earned drinks. I admit to having quite a few drinks and a yiros. I'm rationalising it as being a metabolic stimulus to correct a falling resting metabolic rate, but in my heart of hearts I know it was a relapse. Still, a relapse is not a failure, it's just the old habits surfacing. Today I was very good, I've had 3.5MJ total today. However, the sleep is screwed, which is why I'm posting at 1:30 AM. I'll have to stay up at least until the shops open so I can buy the food for this week. That means I'll be awake for at least twenty hours.

I woke up at three this afternoon, after weird drunken dreams involving me being admitted to hospital with lots of vomiting, and my fellow med students coming round to visit. I also dreamt I got lost in a part of the hospital which I'd never been in before, and had a style that was completely different but still familiar. There was however a cool stairwell with a view out onto the ocean. These sorts of stairwells do not happen in a public hospital. They are always grey concrete monstrosities, with either a central concrete wall (sometimes painted white) or a handrail with a red plastic/rubber top and black vertical metal struts. IN ANY HOSPITAL.
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