Hey JUZ JUZ JUZ!! I've got the JOJO!! You've passed the JOJO to me!! I now have a POPO I guess... anyways. Cheryl and I went shopping, and remember how I use to take you shopping and I'd end up broke cos I found everything in my size on sale, but only when you were there? It happened to Cheryl now.... I think she's broke now... XD Any ways. I saw your shoes at Myers, How much did you pay for your pair? I think the ones I saw were $119. I'm not sure though. I was looking at these other ones next to it more... shiney red shoesssssss...... XD
OMG!! I should have stood there and screamed to the lady buying them that they are being ripped off.... then again... that would be call being nice......
They weren't on sale for me. And I have abstained from shopping far too long.
By the way, that was the first time I ever went shopping with you... O.o
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