May 25, 2008 00:39
Just saw an article, which is going to be on Sunday Times in a few hours,
about a group of Victoria JC students.
Apparently they have collected almost $10,000 through staging concerts for Myanmar cyclone victims.
Seriously kids, kudos for being kind hearted. BUT, aren't you a little dumb to be VJC studentS? All that money will go to those asshole military leaders, probably adding to their collection of antique vases or golden toilet bowls.
I'm not saying we shouldn't help, but there's nothing we can do.
Unless, of course, you fellows decide to buy sacks of rice and bandages and carry them all the way up Malaysia, Thailand and sneak into Myanmar Rambo style. I'll love to see that.
China is doing a much better job at settling its Sichuan disaster.
Bless the world.