Guy Talk

Apr 29, 2010 19:47

Title: Guy Talk
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Rating: K
Characters/Pairings: Percy Jackson, Paul Blofis
Summary: Guys need advice too.
Author's Notes: Another little idea from artemisrae that just needed some tweaking.

‘Surprised’ didn’t quite describe Paul’s reaction to Percy’s covert but not-so-subtle solicitation for girl advice. Not that he’d never asked Paul’s opinion on anything - they got along well; Paul really liked the kid - but Percy wasn’t usually in the habit of wearing his heart on his sleeve, at least in terms of his worries. It was pretty clear to Paul that Percy, sitting at the kitchen table, gazing blankly down at his dinner with his shoulders drawn up toward his ears, was worried.

It would be about Annabeth. Percy had been sort of strange lately (evasive, almost) about the girl, and Paul had had a working suspicion for awhile now that it was because things were getting Serious. He felt a little uncomfortable using that word about teenagers, but given all they’d been through he supposed it applied.

Percy was watching him. Right. The kid had asked a question. A question Paul now had to answer.

“Well,” he said slowly, turning away from the sink where he was doing dishes, trying - and failing, he thought - to be nonchalant. “You’ve probably got some ideas already.”

Percy nodded stiffly, eyes still glued to his plate.

Paul smiled suddenly. He really didn’t know what Percy was worried about. Anyone with a brain and a pair of working eyes could see that Annabeth was just as over the moon about Percy as he was about her. (Although, when Paul really thought it, he could recall the girl accusing his step-son of having been gifted with only half a brain on more than one occasion, so it really wasn’t any wonder Percy seemed so unsure.)

“You know, I wouldn’t worry too much,” Paul said, going back to the dishes. “You’ve known her a long time. I think if you just trust your gut, you’ll get it right.”

“That’s some pretty generic advice, Paul,” Percy replied in a wry voice. “What if my gut instinct turns out to be wrong?”

“Annabeth will let you know then, won’t she?” Paul replied, shutting the dishwasher.

Percy laughed. “Yeah,” he said. “I guess she will.”

percy jackson, fanfic, percy jackson and the olympians, paul blofis

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