Dear Yuletide Santa!

Dec 25, 2009 00:01

Dear Yuletide Santa,

This is my first time participating in Yuletide, and I'm super excited! I know some of my requests were pretty specific, but I am really just so grateful to be a part of this fic exchange, and I love each of these three fandoms with all my heart, so if you think you have a better idea than what I suggested, an idea that you feel you can really do justice to, I say go for it!

So here's just a general list of things things I like in my fanfic. My favorite genres: romance, humor, and good ol' genfic. I love 'slice of life' fic, fic with couples being domestic, family fic, sibling fic, parent/child fic, fic with good friends (same or opposite sex) just enjoying each other's company - possibly with a bottle of something, if they're of age ;). I'm not averse to frank, but tasteful, mentions of sex, drugs, or alcohol, and I do really enjoy a good pornfic every now and again. I don't want non-canon couples or slash, at least not from these three fandoms, and the same thing goes with incest and non-consensual sex (that includes bestiality and statutory rape: animals and kids can't consent, you know). I'm pretty sure the closest I'll ever get to enjoying darkfic is my love of hurt/comfort and the enjoyment I get out of stories that feature a couple arguing and then making up. I love the fluff. Bring it!

I'll take a few (thousand) words to break down my requests.

Garth Nix - Abhorsen Series; Characters - Sabriel, Lirael

Really I just want fic with the two of them being family - Sabriel flitting back and forth between trying to be a mother and a sister, while completely aware the Lirael does not necessarily want either, and Lirael realizing that even though the Dog is gone, she does still have someone she can depend on, and perhaps reaching out to Sabriel in her own way. Any variation or off-shoot of the previously mentioned would be just amazing, but please no romantic connotations.

I think this one's fairly clear. I'd love family fic with the two of them, but I would very easily take Lirael and her niece and nephew, or Lirael and her brother-in-law, or even Touchstone and Sabriel just talking about Lirael. There's not enough fic with Lirael realizing she belongs somewhere. She deserves a Happy Ending too!

Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time; Characters - Moiraine, Lan, Nynaeve

Something wherein either Moiraine and Lan discuss Nynaeve, or Nynaeve and Moiraine discuss Lan, sometime post-series (post Tarmon Gaidon?). Things that could be addressed: Nynaeve’s refusal to forgive Moiraine, how Lan’s sense of loyalty to both women throws him into conflict with himself, Moiraine’s almost-but-not-quite jealousy of Nynaeve. Or hell, the 3 of them could have a really awkward tea party. I’d be game for that.

Again, fairly clear. Lan and Nynaeve are my favorite couple in the book, and come on, who doesn't love Moiraine? We get plenty of looks at Lan and Moiraine interacting, and at Lan and Nynaeve, but hardly any of the three of them together, or discussing one another. As with the aforementioned awkward tea party, I will really take almost anything. Just, um... please stay away from any mention of Lan ever having romantic feelings for Moiraine, or vice versa? That's not to say that I don't totally believe they've slept with each other (because come on, twenty years of two attractive people alone on the road together? Yeah, they've definitely indulged) but my heart firmly believes that Lan and Nynaeve are Meant to Be.

... I would also take fic with Perrin and Faile being happy together, anything with Birgitte, Nynaeve and Egwene remembering Emond's Field together, or possibly the wives of our favorite ta'veren getting together to talk about their husbands.

Gosh, I'm wordy! Last one!

Reboot; Dot, Mouse, AndrAIa

I love these ladies, and I’d love anything with the three of them interacting. Preferably post-s3 but pre-s4, when things are still looking good for Mainframe. Drunken hijinks, talking about the menfolk, sharing stories, I WILL LITERALLY TAKE ALMOST ANYTHING! No slash though, please!

Interestingly enough, though this one is the most open-ended of all three, I don't feel like I need to say much more about it. I love the ladies, I love that Dot has two little brothers, I love Bob and Dot. I'm also not averse to you fudging season 4 so that things don't end up so... well, if you've seen the series, you know what I mean! to get a Happy Ending.

I know this letter was long, but I hope I was able to give you something you feel comfortable working with. I'm aware that all my requests are kinda precise, but don't let that stop you from following something you think you can do better (because, as the FAQ states, these are really only suggestion)! All my fics are tagged on LJ, and the website on my profile links to ff[dot]net, so you can always take a look around if you want/need to. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

All My Love and Thanks, and Merry Christmakwazakuh!


fanfic, yuletide '09, requests

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