Responses, Alphabet Drabbles, Bedmates

Apr 27, 2009 13:58

The first of many responses for the Alphabet Drabbles Meme. There's still some letters open, if anyone's interested.

Title: Bedmates
Prompt: Q is for Quirks, fortehlobster
Fandom: Star Wars EU
Character/Pairing: Anybody/Jaina/Anybody, which translates to Zekk/Jaina/Jag
Rating: Gentle R

There really weren’t a lot of downsides that Jaina could find to sharing her bed (her body, her heart) with two men. It helped, she knew, that all three of them were independent; Zekk had spent the bulk of his formative years answering only to himself, and Jag, like other children in the Ascendancy, had been brought up to be self-sufficient and self-reliant (because people who could take care of themselves didn’t get their comrades killed). The regular absence of her own parents throughout her childhood had fostered Jaina’s own independence from a very young age. The only people she had ever really relied on were her brothers.

Jaina liked what she had. She liked what they had. They meshed well together. Zekk was loyal, sarcastic, affectionate, and eternally optimistic, while Jag, in stark contrast, was serious, stalwart, wry, and realistic. Jaina was the hinge. She was passionate, emotional, dedicated, and fiercely protective of those she loved; she was the cornerstone. When she loved, she loved with everything she had, though she had never gotten over her fear that showing how deeply she felt would somehow lead her to lose what she had found. Too many of the Masters had been calling her “emotionally distant” since the Vong War. None of the people she considered family had ever been that stupid.

It helped too that she was not the only source of love between them. She knew that Jag and Zekk loved her as dearly as she loved them - they had told her so, on many occasions, together and separately - and she knew that on some level they loved each other (though on what level, exactly, she was uncertain). It was not intense enough to be the kind of desire one felt for a lover, and yet it was too intimate for the platonic affection usually shared between close friends, or even brothers.

Whatever it was, she was eternally indebted to it. She’d been fighting for months to get both of them into bed at the same time, and she knew that her very recent accomplishment of that goal had less to do with them wanting to please her and more to do with how they felt about each other - though they had pleased her (multiple times).

Jaina had, however, in typical Solo fashion, not thought things through as well as she should have. She’d imagined the three of them nestled together in warm, damp sheets, skin to skin to skin, the room dark and cool around them.

Instead she was realizing just how small her bed was and discovering just how deeply two men could sleep after sex, and she was doing it with Zekk’s ice-cold feet planted firmly against her ankles and with Jag snoring in her ear. Kicking didn’t seem to bother either one of them.

While she was debating on whose solar plexus to plant her elbow in, Jag rolled over on her arm. She made a mental note to purchase a bigger bed first thing in the morning.

eu, jagged fel, star wars, fanfic, jaina solo, zekk, zekk/jaina/jag, requests

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