Star Wars Drabble Dump, 1 of 3

Feb 22, 2009 15:22

Title: Woulda Coulda Shoulda
Rating: PG-13ish
Characters/Pairings: Jacen, Tenel Ka
Era: Post-YJK AU

"I think perhaps my father would have threatened to send the fleet after us," Tenel Ka admitted, voice quiet in the dark, "if Mother hadn't reminded him that he had no right to scold me for marrying as I pleased, and little more reason to worry beyond the usual upheaval such things cause in the court."

Jacen chuckled, his shoulder moving beneath her cheek, and said, "That's not very comforting coming from a Hapan princess."

Smiling against the skin of his neck, she replied, "Do not fear, Jacen. I won't let the Hapans get you."

"My hero," he murmured, turning his head to press a kiss to the crown of her hair.

"And your parents," she prompted. "How did they take the news?"

"Exactly how I thought they would." He sighed, affecting a nostalgic tone. "Dad choked, and Mom got all teary-eyed before she demanded to know where we are and why we didn’t tell them."

After a few moments of silence, Tenel Ka said, "Perhaps we should have informed them of our intentions before we married."

star wars, fanfic, jacen solo, eu, tenel ka djo, yjk

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