Jan 01, 2009 01:57
The new year is now two hours old. I played - and lost - a game of beer pong, two rounds of king's cup, and one game of fuck the dealer. We had six slow-motion fights: three free-for-all fist fights, a sword fight, an 18th century single shot rifle fight, and a one-on-one between myself (warhammer) and Robert (short sword and shield) that was a draw, because he didn't kill me until after I'd broken his legs. There were a few real wrestling matches. I participated in two, and got my ass handed to me both times, first by Adam, who jumped over the referee and body slammed me off of Robert, whom I was trying to pry off a Lizzie, and a second time by Robert in our match for Biggest Loser of the Year. I had a glass of ridiculously pricey champagne while we DIDN'T WATCH THE BALL DROP TAKE THAT EMMALEE! There was homemade spinach artichoke dip, hot wings, the best margarita recipe I have ever had the privilege to try, and a tatsy new discovery of rum with mint and lime (for mojitos) combined with coke.
After a shower, I am still digging dirt out of my nose. All in all, not a bad night.