Day Six: favorite female-driven show
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
"You have fruit punch mouth."
I think... maybe some people will argue with me over this choice? I don't know, but I stand by. The titular character is female, more than half of the main cast is female, they're all really fucking awesome, and I have always, always loved this show, even - nay, especially! - when it was ridiculous. I love the monster-of-the-week episodes, and the overarching plots, and the dialog and just... everything.
(Okay, so the fact that Buffy took Spike back after the attempted rape never really sat well with me, but in the grand scope of insane, sexist things Whedon has done, I think that's fairly small.)
In the end, it's really just a show about a girl growing up and learning who she is. The fact that she also fights vampires and the forces of darkness is really just a cool bonus.