Hullo all!!!! AND SHES BACK!

Jan 21, 2006 18:30

soo hi.. it seems like its been ages since i was last on here... oh wait it was ages. its like visiting an old friend. wow. this is weird. i need to get on everyday or so again. im such a loser. damn i have neglected you all so much. poor you. im sorry. so let us see here. what to do... i suppose i could update yall on whats been going on in my life. hmmm.. where to begin? well as all of you know im in my second quarter of college and that is going pretty good. im taking Chemistry Psychology and English 201. im working at the bigfoot head start day care (on campus) with 18 4 and 5 year olds... i swear ima get gray haired before my time. ive been doing ballet 3 times a week, in december i preformed in the nutcracker as a maid, the rat queen's (yes it was changed) right hand rat, and a wallflower. it was a lot of fun and it was great to get back up on stage after a year off. i got over an ankle injury and and working on pointe (toe shoes. i am easing back into it after the injury but my instructor says i am dancing better then ever so thats a bonus. so my schedual is pretty busy. I met this fabulous man named Joe Culver. We met through some mutual friends and have been talking for awhile. It was hard with the whole 200 miles between us but we made do. and we had visited each other a few times a month since last spring break when i left prep. over christmas break i went to Yakima for about 13 days. and i saw his family and things. it was loads of fun. i got to spend some time with his best friend lino, i had been talking to him as well and i enjoyed the time with him. hes kinda odd but you know how i love odd people. i had probably one of the best days of my life, the day i spent just me and lino. it was wonderful. anyways.... so joes family basically hates me and his sister is a kiniving bitch who caused a bunch of shit with his mom. i never even met his mom and only saw Autumn once. I stayed at his sister Mandys house and that was fun becauce i got to meet his nephew and whatnot. but with all the drama caused by his sister autumn and his brother things got pretty bad in the end. and i had problems with Mandy. i got "kicked out" the night i was planning on leaving. Joe came back to spokane with me, which of course pissed everyone off more.but thats not really my problem. He is doing well over here and has been here about a month. he had his first christmas since he was a child because his mom converted to jahova witness and as you know they dont celibrate holidays. so that was pretty cool. He is getting his life together and i am really proud of him. He has a some medical problems that he has taken care of (his family didnt even help him get medical care). and he is going back and getting his GED (he had to drop out due to medical conditions) and he wants to go to SFCC for computer programing and Japaneese. he also wants to open his own pircing parlor named *ToOl bOx* with unique piercings. he has a 4 month old daughter named Mielee with his ex girlfriend. right now we are working on getting custody of her. she is a little angel. so all of you pray for us and that we win this long battle. Hopefully it isnt too bloody.

this is Joe's angel Mielee.

i dunno what else to say thats about it ill add more later. i miss you all. ^_^
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