Oct 05, 2007 17:36
The previous owners grew strawberry commercially here. Like almost all commercial strawberriers, they used permanent mulch -- that is, black plastic ground cover. That plastic was still remaining on what I used as my strawberry patch and one other strip, perhaps some 1000 sq.m. in total. Quarter of an acre? Who cares.
Today I finally had a neighbour in with the plough and two kinds of tillers to yank the majority of the non-biodegrade material off the loam. The strawberry patch was easy, it only took a a few runs with the deep-tined cultivator and the deed was done, except of course for raking the debris and bagging the plastics.
The other fieldlet offered serious resistance. Having been fallow for well over five years, there was all kind of root and thing. Ploughing was an absolute necessity. Then several runs were made with a disc harrow to break up the worst rhizomatous clumps and pieces of turf. Only then the tined cultivator was able to bite in to the soil and drag up the plastics. The procedure, of course, left a lot more small scraps scattered in the field, but at least it is no longer suffocating the soil. I hope to get most of it raked out during the fall.
Then to start planning the plantings. Some vegetative art that will show up in satellite imagery?