Feb 05, 2008 20:30
Well, since I was tagged, I figured I would give it a go:
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
1. I am absolutely addicted to the Phoenix Wright games right now. I bought the first one in an after Christmas Game Stop sale while I was on vacation in Pennsylvania and fell in love. One of the best DS games I've bought to date.
2. Everytime my parents come over to visit we wind up in the computer room listening to metal/hard rock music and complaining about pretty much all other forms of music. Last time she was over, I think we listened to Disturbed and Slipknot... My parents rock.
3. When I play Rockband with my friends, I play the drums and had always secretly fantasized about being a drummer in a rock and roll band.
4. I tend to stare at the ground when I walk, figuring I'd notice people's feet before I ran into them.
5. I'm terribly shy when talking to people. In fact, I'm still surprised that I took the initiative on telling Loneeagle that I was interested in him... Course I had been drinking so it's not THAT surprising.
6.I used to think Charisma/Social was the most useless stat in D&D or Whitewolf but my last three characters have all had this as their main stat, and they've also been my most fun characters to date.
7. My current main gaming goal is to get into a Capital class ship in Eve Online even though I know I can't do much with it. I suppose there are worse ways to spend the billion+ of isk that it would take to get that far.
Lessee.. I actually don't have a lot of friends on here, so I'll try to get seven people tagged.
7. Muffins...
Anyway, obviously some of these people have already been tagged by mutual friends, so don't worry about it :p