[University-related] Vocabulary Notebook ♥

Dec 09, 2010 12:12

First off, sorry to my friendlist here on Livejournal as it seems I'm really involving you guys in an University project, but don't they say that a friend in need's a friend indeed? I'm afraid that was a song by Placebo, rather than a saying XD... anyway, this post is for a personal English project in order to memorize words our own way, and I chose to make a blogpost \o/, which means everything written below is addressed to my professor. However, I'd be very happy *see the glowing* if you could use the comments to suggest me English words you believe I don't know and keep the porny ones to yourself, please XD!

This being said, good morning, Mrs. Williams!
The list you are going to read below will be quite short - and I swear that's not because I want to slack off, but because (and I hope I don't sound presumptuous here) I do know and use a lot of words, or at least try to use the majority of them. Adding words I knew already felt like cheating to me, so here we go with the short list. I admit the format is a bit boring, since it is a simple list of words in non-alphabetical order - my visual memory is not the best
memory ever, so I thought I should do what I can do best, writing! For every single word noted down here, I will invent a 100-150-word story starting tomorrow. Everything is fine as long as it contains the notebook words - and Livejournal friendlist is free to ask whatever story they want ♥♥


loutish adj. rude, aggressive
cafeteria mensa universitaria
bailout n., v. (to bail out) tirare acqua fuori da una barca che affonda, = salvataggio (metafora economica)
daunting adj. exhausting
befuddled adj. [by sth.] messed up physical ability because of something, i. e. he was befuddled by drinking
churchgoer n. someone who goes to church
divorcees n. people who are divorced
to wane v. gradual decrease, of the moon after full moon for example. idm. on the wane declining; Her popularity has been on the wane for some time.
to tumble v. capitombolare, cadere (out of, off: da; to: arrivare a capire;
out riversarsi)
cranny n. fissure, crepa
longed-for n. desired

notebook, !english

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