Procrastinated fangirling

May 21, 2009 00:50

Well, well, well. I've had a wish to post something for a while since three days or so, and this is definitely the right time to XD, just because the whole thing is making me giggle and squee even though I should be studying a lot more - final exams are approaching and I am not so prone to waste thirteen years of school as though as they were nothing. By the way, I moved on 5th May, and we still have things to unpack. More importantly, I'm shamelessly stealing Wi-Fi unprotected connection from someone around here, and I am waiting for an electrician to come and set up modem and various televisions, so my siblings will take their Playstation to another room. Which means, I'll finally finish FFXII once more and restart it again ♥ (nausicaa83, it's all your fault)!
I don't really believe this actually needs a reason other than mere manic intent, when I should be studying, but I still have a dignity to defend somewhere, so... the truth is, I've finally finished Revenant Wings. The storyline at least. And I am just fangirling like crazy because I do know it's not much of a big deal, but... BASCH/ASHE IS TOTALLY CANON.

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I mean.
I--I mean, just look at them nodding and smiling at each other. Such things are made to make things clear XDD: Vaan is hugging Penelo, Fran follows Balthier, and Basch and Ashe smile to each other. When did they ever do something similar?! After Penelo's letter in the FFXII epilogue, I think this is a subtle, yet really beautiful canon hint towards the Baschashiness of the world. ♥. Man, how much I love their relationship... it's so delicate. Fangirling apart, it's a tale of trust lost and regained, a tale of sacrifice and reliance, and of appeareances that must be kept - just to quote Penelo about Ashe. If you have something to hide about your feelings towards your knight, it means that is not a proper courtly feeling - not if you're afraid showing your concern for his absence could allow your emotions to carry you away.
Plus, look at the happy!shiny!royal family in their artwork, with Ashe together with Basch and Larsa, and Basch and Larsa with silly beaming SMILES. (Basch and Larsa SMILING FOR REAL *___*).
They feel like family, and this is just too cute for me to bear any longer, I will write about it anytime soon.

And nausicaa83 devoted the most wonderfully intense and romantically angst Basch/Ashe vid ever to me. I am watching it over and over again ♥! I want to write romance about them and perhaps edit a vid too... I just need to find the right song... I feel so romantic tonight ♥ but I'm having a test tomorrow and it's later than usual.
I'm totally sleep-deprived.

EDIT / Found a video with the credits artwork^^; didn't chack it before, sorry XD!

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fangirling will save the world, ffxii, basch/ashe, !english, rl doesn't suck for once

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