May 22, 2008 14:58
● 矢吹隼人さんは、浮ついた考え方を嫌う堅実な人。どちらかと言えば地味なほうですが、着実かつ慎重に物事を進め、自分の目標をしっかりと手に入れるタイプです。勉強や仕事にもきちんと取り組むので、周囲の評価も上々です。とても真面目で控えめな人なので、恋愛面では割と古風な考え方をするでしょう。恋愛そのものを楽しむよりは、その先にある結婚を念頭においたおつきあいをしていきそうです。そんなところが、あなたにちょっぴり近寄りがたい雰囲気を植え付けているかもしれません。だからと言ってお手軽な恋愛に走るくらいなら、仕事や趣味に没頭したほうがベター。自分磨きの期間があなたにさらなる輝きを与え、より大きな幸福へと導いてくれるはずです。
● Heather Batesさんの開運衣装は、喪服です!
- As for Yabuki Hayato, the reliable person who dislikes the method of thinking of being restless. If anything it is plain one, but it is the type which advances phenomenon steadily and prudently, securely obtain your own goal. Because it tackles also study and work securely, also appraisal around is very good. Very, being serious, because it is the moderate person, in the romantic love aspect extremely it does old-fashioned thought, probably will be. Rather than enjoying romantic love itself, it may to keep doing the association which makes the first certain marriage mind is. Perhaps such a place, has planted the atmosphere which is hard to come near to you little bit. Therefore with saying, if it is easy the extent which it runs to romantic love, the one which you are absorbed to work and hobby is better. It is the expectation where period of your own polishing give the further shining to you, leads to a bigger happiness. - The opening luck clothes of Heather Bates are the mourning dress!