May 30, 2011 01:16
Sometimes it's really weird being home, in the sense that not much ever really changes. I hate when people leave NH for college and whathaveyous and come back and are all like, "omgz, i like, totes dont even belong here anymorez, like wtf," because yea, sure its NH, but we all grew up here, and its a pretty awesome place to live, and no, you didn't change that much while you were gone. When I come home anymore though its just really weird because it just feels like in every aspect of everything nothing changes here, except for the giant trees that my parents cut down in my yard, that i'm still pissed about, holy run-on sentence. I just feel like whenever I go back and forth between boston and new hampsh that i put one of my lives on hold for a few weeks/months and then come back to it just exactly how it was. In some ways, it is extremely comforting how little Merrimack really changes. I turned on the TV last week and the Merrimack channel had some kind of town meeting on where this kid that was doing the landscaping for the Merrimack grounds around the town hall and stuff was arguing with the zoning panel about what kind of bark mulch to use, and it went on for probably half an hour. There's just something comforting about coming home to a town that is so concerned about its bark mulch that it broadcasts it on TV.
So my fourth semester is over. I would definitely say that this was the fastest school year ever. I am really content with my grades from this past semester, and the more I think about it, the more I feel like Harmony III was just the biggest academic cluster fuck freak accident ever. I know that it is done and over, but I'm still kind of pissed, I know I deserved to pass, and by a lot more than what I should have. It's neither here nor there right now, but I'm still mad. I have, however finished all of my core classes, meaning all of my trad harm, all of my counterpoints, ear training, and all my performance requirements... which is disheartening in a way. If I wanted to, I would never have to play flute again in order to get my degree(s). Regradless, I still want to be a good player, even though John Williams left his solo career in the dust in his twenties. Anyways, I got A's in conducting, my composition II class and all my performance classes, and a B in economics which caused me many many sleepless nights. Economics is such a bitch, in so many aspects.
I am so so so into folk and blue grass lately and I love it.
Lately I've been having these weird dizzy spells like I'm about to pass out and I don't know why. I never ever really feel weak, ever, and its only really been in the past week that I've felt like this. I'll be fine and then out of no where whatever I am looking at will stay stationary and then all of a sudden the things around it will seem to shift or turn. I also hit my head really hard today... rescuing the sick necklace that I got out of a 50 cent machine after being eye raped in the sketch Market Basket today with Casey. But yea, I don't know what's wrong with me.
Arts and pops... what a trip.
I should probably be more concerned about the fact that I do not have a steady income right now, but I can't bring myself to be anxious about it. Oh! But I got one of my favorite books from my independent study from senior year, Truman, by David McCullugh for 13 bucks today, and it is usually 45. So that's saving money...