Jan 21, 2005 03:00
Today was a good day. I ACEd my histroy exam :), not sure about spanish--but it can blow me.
After school i went with Laney Natalie & Woz to Woodyss, got some french toast ;)
MIKE didnt drive with us because he went to go kill himself--((yeah thats a good way to put it))-- Him Phillip Jeremy Dennis & Kurt joined us later..Me Woz Jeremy Laney Talie left & dropped off Wozny&Jer off wherever..Laney dropped us off at my house.
Things with Matt didn't work out, but Natalie had Phillips wallet, so they all came over :)
I liked it. a lot. Dennis had an obsession of my dogs two different color eyes..def.cuteee.
We all piled into his car & went to Phillips house..Phillip sat on my lap & about crushed me...
but i rather have him crush me--then me crush him ;)
Just chilled over there & KB came over with this hott video of him & Phillip blazed.
Me & Phillip wrestled, as always--he won. &ive got bruises on my arms to prove it.
Dennis had to go to work, so he drove me & Nat back home--except she forgot her keys,
so she just ended up coming over here. I LOVE<3 HER. natalie is my best friend.
We had such a bonding conversation today..((as you can tell;))
I had to go to work, it was okay..I finally met Alex, i've seen him before, but never actually
met him--hes a cutie--look forward to working with him.
<33 too tierd to type ne more -xoxo-