Alright... well tonight I had a VERY intresting night... First me Tony Mike Steve Kim Kelley and Shayne ( i think thats his name ) Went to Meijers to find Chuck D. But we couldent find him then we found this stalker spy guy that works at Meijer and he followed us through the WHOLE store.
Then to make things worse Lance came up there and tried to beat up shayne over kim! OHH boy that was an experiance!
Then after we left Meijer we went porta-potty tipping!lol Tony did like 2 of them mike did 1 and shayne did one! Me kim and Kelley tried to do one, but we were un sucuussful! it was sooo funny though! you should all try it sometime!
Well anyway im leaving for florida tomorrow! and im going to miss ALL MY LOVERS! :-( ! Well i love you all! Love MUCH,