May 27, 2005 03:15
School was boring. Ms. Wild yelled at me for having pen on my hand.
Graduation was boring. Ms. Wild yelled at me for turning around.
The dance was boring. Ms. Wild yelled at me for listening to Eric's mp3 player.
Nah the dance wasn't boring.. I actually took part in it and danced. Whoo. Casia busted out some kickass moves, man... I never knew she raved. Yeah it was fun. Me and Alexxx started a mosh pit on some song.. but we got broken up. Eh.. I stuffed my face with half the food offered, lmao, why does that not surprise me? Um.. yeah.. then at the end they played Graduation by Vitamin C, and I wasn't the first to cry! But I remember, as I hugged Alexxx, I broke down. And then it was the typical omguh I'm cry thing. I must have given everyone ten hugs each... Christine maybe 15 or 20. Then Nick came and he hugged me and he asked me to stop crying and then I think something happened? And now we're going out. Then we were going home.. I took 3634351321 pics that I'ma post when I get home. I'm at Mashley's with Lisa and Taryn now.
Ditto supposedly is getting his ass kicked by Greg because he apparently told Jessica that Greg cheated on me. I don't want Ditto to get his ass kicked because he's... Ditto. =[ And I really really really really really love Greg. A lot. And as fucking slutty as that sounds.. God. I feel very... blah... And my period is annoying...
Myeh. I cried my eyes out today at Graduation & on the computer.