Oct 30, 2011 14:08
Sookie had a Bobby! She had him for the whole weekend, and while it was now Sunday afternoon and that meant he'd probably be leaving for his portal to New York in a matter of hours, for the time being she was ignoring that in favor of mixing up cookie batter.
He'd already been a trooper and sat through the morning shift at Merlotte's with her, and while there had been a near-incident involving a slightly-inebriated customer giving Sookie a pat on the behind, Sookie still thought that a visit -- and patience, and not icing up the bar she worked in -- warranted cookies as a reward.
"These don't need to be anatomically correct little figures like at Christmas," she told Bobby as she whisked in some peanut butter. "Or...dolphins. That was just weird, between you and Karla."
bon temps,