With Eric safely squared away with Jessica, Sookie had forgotten to call Pam until today because I was snowed in all week and thus plot was postponed. And then she'd had to wait until night, but all the same, she called.
She hated that Fangtasia was in her speed dial. She really did. But that didn't change the fact that it was easy enough to punch the button, and wait for someone to answer.
There was barely a single ring before the call was answered by a very irritated sounding Pam. "Fangtasia. This better be good."
"Hi, Pam, it's Sookie," she said brightly. "You're not missing a big ol' blond guy, are you?"
Well that was one way to catch Pam's attention, though it didn't brighten up her mood any. "That son of a bitch, I've been looking for him everywhere."
Figures he'd be off chasing after the fairy girl.
"Put him on."
"Can't, I had to leave him with a vampire friend of mine who has space for him," Sookie said, getting a little more serious. "He has no idea who he is. I found him running around half-naked."
It took a moment for Pam to process that, since that seemed unlikely even for them, but she soon came up with the logical conclusion. "Oh that fucking bitch."
"I feel like you somehow understood that better than me," Sookie commented. "He's also incredibly clingy and scared right now. What happened?"
Pam was going to thoroughly ignore any mention of Eric being clingy and scared, thank you. She was also reluctant to explain the situation to Sookie since it made them look bad, but she found she didn't have much of a choice.
"Some witch named Hallow has been skulking around Fangtasia, wanting half our profits or else she's gonna put a hex on the property," Pam explained. "She took a shine to Eric and offered to lower it down to keeping twenty-five percent of our take if he'd sleep with her. She obviously didn't take it well when Eric shot her down."
"...Eric has standards, who knew," Sookie mused, mostly to herself. "So she cursed him? Zapped his memory?"
"That's what I'm thinking," Pam said, sighing. "Which means Eric and Fangtasia are quite possibly very fucked. This bitch obviously means business and I doubt she'll give Eric back his memory just because I asked nicely."
Not that Pam would lower herself to asking nicely.
"So we don't ask nicely," Sookie reasoned, frowning a little and reaching for paper and pen. "I get the feeling, no offense, that you're not that great with your pleases and thank-yous and yes ma'ams, anyway, Pam. So what can we do to get her to bend to our will, so to speak?"
"I'll have to do a little research on Hallow. Someone with the metaphorical balls to blackmail and erase the memories of a vampire like Eric can't be working alone," Pam said. "As for you--if I recall correctly, you know a few witches, yes?"
"A few," Sookie agreed. "Want me to ask around and see if we can reverse this thing? How many do we need? One? Five?"
"Considering there will most likely be more than one witch to deal with, we'll need more than one witch to work this out, won't we?" Pam said, trying to keep from being too condescending. "You can get your little friends to try to reverse it, but I imagine the only person that can really fix him is Hallow."
What a stupid fucking name.
"Until then, just keep an eye on Eric and make sure he doesn't wander off."
"I can," Sookie said, already resigned to that idea, and started to write down a few names. "Let me know what it's going to take to get her when you can, okay?"
"Sure thing, sweetheart. I'll be in touch." Pam didn't even bother saying goodbye before she hung up the phone.
[Pam played as always by the darling
trickydemigod. Post open after the call if you are so inclined!]