Jun 04, 2005 11:59
Well yesterday has been probhably the worst experiance I will ever have at an amusement park haha. I was so excited like the whole year to go to Hershey for our class trip, and i just poured on us the whole day. I was drenched...I had to buy a new sweatshirt to change into because I was so cold and wet. YUCK! I wish we could go again because it would be sooo fun if it was nice out. Today is very sunny and warm out which is a good change. I have to say though the best part of the trip was the bus with Cath, Em and Alexa...we just talked about stupid things that made no sence and I laughed my ass off. Last night I slept at Alexa's and we decided we are making a movie haha i can't wait
today I went tanning and later I am going to Target<33 to get some stuff for Flordia....tonight is Relay, that should be fun