drabbles {various fandoms}

Jul 21, 2012 00:39

jeongmin/naeun, gongchan/krystal, myungsoo/dasom, hoya/yoonhye
they're all pg or pg-13 at the most i guess because of swearing.
lol don't even ask where half these pairings came from. because i ship weird things. \oooo & the plots are the weirdest things ever as well. i don't even.... just proceed lol

jeongmin/naeun ; oppa?

"so should i call you oppa or not?" naeun tapped her foot impatiently on the floor observing the boy in front of her. his hair was straight today thankfully, she always cursed the stylists for curling it up, and he was wearing pink. pink. she didn't know what to say except starship was kind of stupid to put such a concept on the boys but she thinks he pulls it off pretty well.

"well, i don't know. i'm friends with bomi and she's an unnie to you which might make me an oppa but at the same time we were born in the same year. would it be awkward if we became friends yet i act as friends with bomi and eunji when they're your unnies?" jeongmin scratched his head in confusion at the difficulty only koreans faced because nobody else in this whole fucking world gives a two fucks about early birthdays. why couldn't south korea be like that either? "i guess you can call me whatever you want," he nodded in satisfaction and gave her a smile, causing his eyes to disappear - another thing only koreans really had to worry about.

she looked him up and down once more and smiled. "i like oppa."

gongchan/krystal ; stage names

"so, why'd you go with gongchan?" soojung - or krystal as she's known - was laying down on the said boy's lap playing with the split ends in her hair. it's something most girls her age have to deal with but it's especially more stressing on her because she gets something done to her hair every single day which damages it even more. why did she ever let her parents send her to the audition?  this life is so goddamn hard.

he scrunched up his face and looked down at her in confusion. "i don't know, why'd you choose krystal?" he titled his head and smiled his crooked smile that had her falling in love with him in the first place. she shoved his face away and rolled her eyes. "i don't know, the company chose it and i'm pretty sure it's only because soojung in english means crystal but i guess they wanted a k in there or something. i don't know what the people in sm think anyway." she ruffled her hair in frustration and sat up, leaning on her boyfriend's shoulder. "now back to you, why gongchan?"

he chuckled and faced down again, now being met with his empty lap. "i don't know, the company chose it." he laughed at soojung's reaction when she realized that he was making fun of her reply and put up his hands in defense when she started throwing pillows at him. "screw you gong chansik!"

myungsoo/dasom ; visuals

kim myungsoo was known for his looks and although he knew he was talented in other areas too, nobody cared because all they saw were his looks - and he didn't like that. he wanted to be truly accepted for talent, his ability to sing, dance, act, but the sad reality was nobody cared. he was good looking and that's all anybody saw in him.

he just gave up in wanting to be accepted that way because everywhere he went, he was only complimented on his looks while sunggyu hyung and woohyun hyung were told how great of singers they are, howon and dongwoo hyung are always recognized for their rapping and dancing, heck, even sungyeol and sungjong were commented on how much their vocals improved but what does everybody say when they come to myungsoo? - "you're very handsome."

that was, until he met dasom. it was backstage while he was getting off stage from rehearsal, sistar was there, ready to go up next for their rehearsal. he slightly bowed to them and smiled because they were all noonas he was close to, when he got to the maknae though, he kind of bowed a little more because he's never had the chance to talk to her and she seemed hard to get close to. she smiled at him and clapped then said the very words that made his life forever, "you have the nicest voice myungsoo oppa."

he looked up at her and how she was smiling and he could feel her sincerity and he has never been thankful to anybody else. "uh, thank you, dasom-ssi." he scratched his head in awkwardness and cleared his throat. she smiled that ever growing smile once more and replied, "you don't have to speak formally oppa, i'm younger than you." he wanted to talk to her a little more but sistar was called on stage for their rehearsal and even after they left, myungsoo couldn't leave that spot because that sentence made his heart flutter in a way that he's never felt before and it just made him happy.

(woohyun kept poking myungsoo because he thought something was wrong. "you guys, he's smiling in his sleep and it's freaking me out." he shook him but the said boy wouldn't budge and he finally gave up when sunggyu smacked him in the head and told him to leave myungsoo alone. "he's probably having some happy dream or something. go to sleep nam woohyun.")

hoya/yoonhye ; practice makes perfect

"rainbow, this is infinite, they newly debuted and you guys will be dancing with them for a show." the 14 boys and girls bowed to each other and listened closely to their instructor who paired them off. "yoonhye, you'll be with hoya." the formed faced her head to the boy who was now walking towards her. at the short moment he was coming towards her, she observed him closely. she hasn't been paying attention to idol groups anymore after she debuted so she didn't really know who he was. he had a nice looking face, blonde hair, was quite taller than she was, also quite scary looking and the instructor whispered into her ear, "he's their lead dancer."

"uh, hello noona." he smiled at her and the wide grin shocked yoonhye because she did not expect him to be so... cute. "hi, hoya-ssi." she nodded and smiled back. "you can drop the -ssi, you're older than me." she cleared her throat and nodded once more awkwardly." um, alright then, hoya." she laughed at how awkward everything was but after seeing what dance they were supposed to do, she knew they'd become close soon enough.

okay, so yoonhye was never the greatest dancer in the world. she always got in trouble the most in rainbow as well for missing the beat so she was extra nervous when the instructor told her that he was their lead dancer because he's going to definitely have troubles with her.

it was their third day in for rehearsing and oh god, she never knew how hard latin dance could be. there were so many turns and waves and things to remember that once she learned something new, she'd forget the old stuff. thankfully, her partner was much better than she was so she didn't get picked out a lot by their teachers. she silently thanked the mighty heavens for giving her such a partner.

after practice as everybody was heading back home, hoya suggested that maybe they should stay back a little. she was exhausted from what they had to do today but knowing that if she didn't get some help from him that she's embarrass herself, she agreed and so did her manager - right away. she let out a big breath and slid down the dance room wall, not sure if she was doing anything correctly.

"noona, don't be too hard on yourself. i'm sure you'll get it - come on." he grabbed her hands and lifted her off from the floor and dragged her to the middle of the dance room. "i'll be here to help you." she looked up at him and felt a smile tug at the side of her lips when she saw his wide grin - just like the one he offered back when they first met. she nodded and set her mind straight. "alright. but if i mess up, no getting mad. i suck at dancing."

he shook his head. "i won't get mad if you stop thinking those thoughts." she chuckled and nodded.

m: yoonhye, m: naeun, m: dasom, f: infinite, m: myungsoo/l, f: apink, m: gongchan, f: rainbow, pairing: hoya/yoonhye, rating: pg, pairing: jeongmin/naeun, f: f(x), pairing: gongchan/krystal, pairing: myungsoo/dasom, f: sistar, f: b1a4, m: hoya, rating: pg-13, m: krystal, m: jeongmin, f: boyfriend

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