we should stop fooling ourselves

Jun 10, 2012 23:17

we should stop fooling ourselves
~1,135 words.
high school!au. two friends just don't realize it.

sometimes sehun wonders what would happen to jinri if she didn't have him as a friend.

"stop making it so obvious choi jinri. you're totally gawking right now and it's not attractive," is sehun's response to his friend's reaction when the junior hottie choi minho walks into the library/

"he's perfect," and all sehun could do was scoff at the comment. "if he's perfect then i must be god or something."

okay, so maybe he deserved that eraser flung to his face.


"just tell him you like him." jinri merely stares at her best friend in disbelief then hits him in the head with her pencil. she giggles a little at his scrunched up face but then gets back to her point.

"are you crazy? i can't do that! i'm a girl. i'm supposed to be waiting for my prince charming to come to me." she pouted as she looked at minho who just walked into their biology class and how he immediately went to the empty seat beside the queen bee kwon yuri.

"if you continue to wait for a fairy tale, you'll end up like the queen in snow white - alone," and for the first time, sehun's words made actual sense.


"soojung-ah, do you think he'll ever notice me?" jinri and her other best friend soojung were in the lunchroom and it was just them two which was a rare situation after soojung started dating the shy boy jongin in their grade. ("surprised you managed to get him, he's always so quiet," was jinri's first response when she heard the news. her friends then leaned in and whispered in her right ear, "he's not that quiet in bed."_

"no." jinri knew that her friend was always so honest and blunt but it hurt sometimes - although she knew it was the truth. "look at him right now, all over kwon yuri's neck." soojung made a gagging motion then went back to the fries on her tray.

about two tables away was where the 'popular' kids sat and there was choi minho cuddling - and probably doing more - with kwon yuri. pda was something she did not want to see so she closed her eyes and chose to look at her friend instead.

"so where's that boyfriend of your's?" jinri was confused at her friend's words. "boyfriend, what boyfriend?" she tilted her head.

"oh sehun," soojung said so definitely that it got her even more dumbfounded. "boyfriend? but he's not-" but she was cut off by her friend's hand. "sure, of course he's not," and she stood up then left, leaving jinri sitting there alone, not certain about soojung's words.


the ice cream parlor was always a nice place to go to especially since jinri enjoyed the dairy deilght. she was sitting at her regular booth, waiting for sehun to come join her as always, but what she didn't expect was for her friend to walk in with a girl on his arms.

"umm, who's she?" jinri inquired while hoping to to sound rude. she was confused because she did not think this situation would ever occur - or at least she thought she'd be the one with a boy at her side first.

"oh! jinri, this is my girlfriend," and those words hurt her heart more than they were supposed to.


after sehun got a girlfriend, jinri's been practically alone. it felt like she was the only one that didn't have a special someone. as she was thinking these thoughts down the hallway, she bumped into someone who caused her to fall down on the floor.

she rubbed her head, which bumped into a locker, and when she saw the hand offered towards her, she looked to see who it was.

"i'm sorry," and there in front of her eyes was choi minho, the guy that she's been crushing on since forever. she took his hand and stood up. he smiled at her and apologized once more but that eye brightening smile that once caused so many caterpillars in her stomach to develop into butterflies, didn't affect her as much as it should have.


"soojung-ah, why am i feeling like this?" she didn't see it with her own two eyes but she could feel her friend's eyes rolling around all the way around her head. "what is it now?"

the only thing that came into jinri's eyes right now was sehun who was sitting a table down in the lunch room, feeding his girlfriend smiley fries. she took the plastic cup in her hand and crushed it until it was crumpled up into a small ball. "oh, i see what it is. i see a little green monster coming out of choi jinri. what did i tell you? boyfriend."

she really didn't want to believe it but soojung's words were right.


'jinri-yah, you mind coming over?' was what the text from sehun read about a week later from the time she got jealous at the lunch room. she didn't know what was going on but sehun never texted her like this - it must have been something important.

"where are you going?" she heard her mom's question and she answered with a barely audible out and slammed the door on her mom before she could respond. as soon as she stepped out of her house, she ran to his house and rang the doorbell. his mother opened the door and she didn't even question jinri before she scooted out of the way so she could run up the stairs to his room.

jinri knocked on the door and heard the almost inaudible 'it's open' before she opened it and went over to his bed where he was lying down, facing his window. "sehun-ah, what's the problem?" she shook the boy an was taken by surprise when he suddenly sat up and took her into his arms.

"jinri-yah, i can't do this anymore. these feelings, i can't control them anymore," and before she could have any time to register his words into her head, his lips were already touching her's. she couldn't think anymore and the only thing that was in her thoughts was how soft his lips were and how nicely they felt on her's. she wrapped her arms around him and deepened the kiss.

they broke apart and sehun took her into his arms again. "i love you choi jinri. i have been for i don't know how long. i've been hiding my feelings, afraid of how you would respond but really, i can't do this anymore. i-" but he was cut off by jinri's lips going back on his.

she whispered shut up in between the kisses and when they finally broke apart, the were lying down on his bed, side to side. "i love you too oh sehun."

f: exo, m: sehun, rating: pg-13, pairing: sehun/sulli, m: sulli, f: f(x)

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