Scott Pilgrim vs. the Robo-Spine

Aug 16, 2010 18:40

On Sunday I went to see Scott Pilgrim vs. the World with Andy. He confirmed that it is indeed made of awesome. I, like everyone else, was undecided whether the casting of Michael Cera was perfect or entirely too predictable. Having seen the film now, I can't imagine anyone else in the role. He didn't go over the top awkward like in Superbad. He just fits. Also, the rest of the film is fantastic. Lots of little nerd-love moments and nods to classic video games. I was skeptical, but I highly recommend both the movie and the soundtrack. I've been listening to it since Sunday, and there are 5 stand-out tracks in an overall great album.

It's been about 2 weeks since I crashed into the bathroom counter. Seems like it was a long time ago, but my ribs still say otherwise. (heh) Apart from the nearly-faded bruises, I'm doing pretty well. I definitely feel it if I don't get enough sleep, which is all the more motivation for me to crash earlier. I was up until almost 10:00 last night, and with a 5:00 AM wake-up time that made for a rough day.

Gotta say I love the ridiculously early work schedule. I start at 6:30 and get out at 3:30, with plenty of time to pop by the grocery store and still beat the traffic home. It's a little weird taking lunch before 10:00, but it all works out. I wind up eating less because I'm still full from breakfast. I usually snack on something or force myself to eat a meal when I get home and quickly pop off to bed.

D-Day is fast approaching. Or M-Day, since we're talking about moving. Sept 18th is when Andy and I get the new apartment. Part of my brain says we'll brainstorm more ideas for the I Am Nerd show since we'll be around each other more often, but the pessimist in me wonders if we'll just run out of ideas and stuff to talk about.

Our best conversations (and in truth my best conversations with anyone) usually start with the sentence "Okay, I gotta go." Reach for the doorknob, and then the funny begins.

Back on the health front, I moved my follow-up appointment with the doc. I misplaced the X-ray prescription, and with the new schedule I needed to change the appointment time anyway. X-rays will be on the 18th, and then I see the doc on the 30th for a titanium robo-spine fusion progress report.


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