Nov 30, 2006 15:40
*waves flag*
This is a largely bored and uninspired post, but hey. I'm at the clinic, so I'm rightfully allowed to be largely bored and uninspired. Must...quit...soul-destroying...job...soon.
Speaking of work, in fantastic news I only have...*counts* three and a bit weeks of this job left. Actually, that includes this week, so make that two and bit weeks left. That's pretty awesome when I think about it. I'm thinking of either asking EB Games (they're guaranteed to want a hardcore gamer GIRL as part of their staff), JB HiFi or the video store near my dad's warehouse for my next income. I guess I have to start looking soon if I want monies at all after I get back from Angle land.
Actually, on that note, I better spill the dates during which I'll be in the problematic location of OUTSIDE THE COUNTRY. I'll be taking my lappy with me, so hopefully I'll be able to keep in touch with people electronically.
Anyway, Mel leaves at some unearthly hour on the 21st of December, and returns on the 25th of January. That's an insanely long time to spend in the one country that isn't your own.
This means that my plans for holding Zimgasm 'o6: Bigger, Longer and Uncut will have to come into frutition very very soon or they will become plans for Zimgasm 'o7. If people are free on the 16th (or somewhere during that generic weekend time) then I'll hold it then.
Does this sound awesome to you? Y/N
If Y, bug me and tell me so. If N, you suck lol.
Uhhmm... what other news is there? Exams are over- that's pretty good news. I managed to fail my maths rather spectacularly, so I rewarded myself by finding (and buying) this really awesome corset on eBay. It's black, has PVC and bondage buckles... so in other words it just screams of MEL. Pretty nifty for 100 bucks. *grins!*
Otherwise, there's little to report, other than I'm thinking of holding a new D&D campaign thingy. This will be the long mulled-over creature campaign, with players as monsters stuck in an evil genius' huge fuck-off laboratory. In technical terms, it will be an epic level campaign (i'm thinking will start at about ECL 20), with a maximum party size of six (I will however, allow guest NPC-ing if people want to do that too), on a singular site (to begin with, at least) in which players are strictly *not* allowed to take standard races. I'll allow whatever classes/feats/skills/races/whatever you can find in any obscure D&D book, as long as you consult me first and tell me what I'm in for. The first character gen session will be sometime in February, so you've got plenty of time to think about character possibilities if you're interested.
I warn you now, I'm known to be a sadistic DM. *bats eyelids innocently*
That's all I have for now! So catch you groovers later!
Mel, Queen of Darkness and Lizards