
Jul 01, 2006 14:56

I love these quizzes because it gives me an opportunity to track my character development. So I filched this off Amy-chan...

Your real name: Melissa Anne Anderson. But please, call me Larry.
Age: 19. Yeh...still a teenager lol.
Height: 167 centimetres. Don't ask me how I know it so precisely, as I don't know myself!
Natural hair color: Some kinda leonine blonde-brown.
Eye colour: A green-hazel-brown-grey that changes with my mood. Truly it does!
Skin color: Paleish, but I go very brown very quickly.
Glasses/contacts: A pair of hot titanium rimless glasses.
Piercings: A basic ear piercing in each ear, but not that I really use them.
Tattoos: I really REALLY want some.
Braces: Never!
Mannerisms: Seemingly exaggerated reactions to getting poked, eyebrow-cocking, frequent course language and use of the word 'GAH'.
Other distinctive markings: Scars on my back, shoulders and upper arms from a skin condition puberty gave me and I'm still getting over, the mother fucker. They're pretty hard to miss.

Colour: Indigo and green are neck-to-neck in this race. Particularly Pthalo green...I discovered that colour and did my entire HSC major work with it, Pthalo blue, white and Cadmium orange. I also love black. And silver compliments these colours really nicely, so I've taken a real liking to that one too.
Band: So much to choose from, so little time! The Prodigy, the Crystal Method, Celldweller, Marilyn Manson, Many Machines on Nine, Rammstein, Unrequited, 65daysofstatic, Mudvayne, System of a Down, Wumpscut, A Perfect Circle, Apocalyptica, Machine Gun Fellatio, Fatboy Slim, Andy Hunter, Rob Zombie, Rotersand, Chicane, Oakenfold, Orbital, Pendulum, Rage Against the Machine, VNV Nation, Neuroticfish, Massive Attack, Static-X, the Propellerheads...the list is extensive.
Video game: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was the BEST game ever. EVER. I also loved Metroid Prime, Morrowind, Oblivion, Super Smash Brothers, the Sims 2 and attached expansions, Age of Empires, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and some of the real classics (Jazz Jackrabbit, Crystal Caves, Monster Mash, Aldo, Donkey Kong, Space Invaders and Sweevo, anyone?).
Movie: I have a load of favourites. Old Boy, Sin City, Kill Bill, the Matrix, Fight Club and Requiem for a Dream are all close firsts. I love Tarantino, Michael Mann, Michael Moore, Miyazaki, Pixar and Peter Jackson flicks. And also most decent or better sci-fi, fantasy, action, adventure, psychological, political, film noir, horror, crime, absurd, surreal or emotional films. Comedies have to be either brilliant or filled with slapstick and spectacle for me to enjoy, Rom Coms I can't stand, and I find no joy in lovey dovey movies.
Book: Imajica by Clive Barker. I cannot even begin to express just how mindblowingly fantastic this book is.
Food: Almost any food. Though I do love Italian, Japanese, Mexican, and kebabs, as well as a wide variety of sweetmeats.
Game on a cell phone: Well, Snake's always fun, however I love Stack Attack and Move the Box on my dodgy but invulnerable Siemens.
CD: Fat of the Land by the Prodigy. Fuck yes.
Flower: Never been much of a flower person. But snapdragons are cool, as are venus flytraps.
Scent: Freshly crushed garlic.
Animal: Dragons, dinosaurs, non-extinct/fictional reptiles, birds, rhinoceri, sharks, whales, wolves, elephants...I love most animals. Rabbits, cats and rats however are less popular with me.
Comic book: I Feel Sick! Sin City! JTHM! Squee! Batman! Too many comic books to choose from, I swear.
Cereal: On the occasion that I do eat breakfast, and on the rarer occasion that I eat cereal, I love the childish quality of Cocopops.
Website: Uh...fuck me rigid. I'm an internet whore- you can't ask me for one lone website!
Cartoon: Invader Zim.

Do You
Play an instrument?: Nope, unless my voice counts. Or that flute I pretended to play during primary school does.
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?: No, I'm really picky about what I watch on TV.
Like to sing?: Yeh, but to myself, or along with someone who knows the words too.
Have a job: Yeh AND IT SUCKS WANG.
Have a cell phone?: Yup, I have a dodgy looking Siemens that actually survived a run with the washing machine.
Like to play sports?: Waterpolo is awesome fun with people when played with people as violent as yourself.
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No.
Have a crush on someone?: Admittedly that's a strong yes. Whether it goes somewhere or not is another question.
Live somewhere NOT in the united states?: Australia counts, but otherwise no.
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?: *counts* Nope. We have four. But we do have more than five computers...
Have any special talents/skills?: Drawing, sculpting and writing are the ones I'm aware of. Actually, those and really horrible puns.
Exercise daily?: *laughs* No, but I should lol.
Like school?: No, I LOVE university. It's my second home, and home to my third family.

Can You
Sing the alphabet backwards?: Haven't tried that before, actually.
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?: Ouch sweet holy fuck no!
Speak any other languages?: I know about 13 years' study worth of French. I use this knowledge to mock the language rather mercilessly eheh.
Go a day without food?: I probably can, and it'd prolly do me some good... but I like my food.
Remember your dreams?: Very often- especially the trippier ones.
Read music, not just tabs?: I'm musically impaired! So no.
Roll your tongue?: Yuh huh.
Eat a whole pizza?: ZOMG. I haven't attempted to yet but I reckon I could if I really wanted.

Have You Ever
Won something in the lottery?: Nah.
Snuck out of the house?: No, the moral leashes my parentals keep on me tend to get in the way.
Lied to get out of trouble?: NAH DUH! When I was younger I lied about shoplifting once. Sorta kinda... dumped the blame onto my brother...
Had a computer crash?: Oh no... I thought I'd blocked out those memories! Egad no!
Gotten lost in your city?: Nope. I am ten city ninjas.
Seen a shooting star?: I have! It was cool.
Been to any other countries?: Yup. Vanuatu, Japan, New Zealand, Japan again, Finland, Russia, France, England, the Czech Republic and Japan once more, in chronological order.
Had a serious surgery?: No, unless being a Caesarian vaguely counts.
Stolen something important to someone else?: No.
Solved a rubiks cube?: No.
Gone out in public in your pajamas?: I have actually, for Year 12 Muck Up Day.
Cried over a girl?: A friend, yes.
Cried over a boy?: Yes. Also friends.
Kissed a random stranger?: No.
Hugged a random stranger?: No.
Been in a fist fight?: I wish.
Been arrested?: No.
Done drugs?: No, but I'm open to suggestions...
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?: No. I don't drink milk.
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?: Hells yeee-ah.
Snuck into the opposite sex's bathroom?: Dude who doesn't?
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?: Hell no. But I think I remember doing the opposite...
Swore at your parents?: Yeh.
Kicked a guy where it hurts?: No, that's just *mean*. I think I've accidently hit someone's groin with a javelin though o_o.
Been to a casino? No! But I want to!
Ran over an animal and killed it?: Nope- I'm animal friendly.
Broken a bone?: Nup. I have pretty heavy duty bones.
Gotten stitches?: Nope!
Had a water balloon fight in winter?: Now that sounds like masochistic fun.
Made homemade muffins?: Often, seeing we have a muffin maker machine. They are *so* good.
Bitten someone?: Of course I bite them when I feast on their flesh...
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?: Yo, I went to Disneyland in Tokyo.
Burped in someone’s face?: In their face, over phone, generically in public... I tend to belch whenever the body needs it.

When's the Last Time You
Brushed your teeth: Yesterday.
Cried: Whilst writing that LJ post about me being totally jaded.
Went to the bathroom: Today. Duh.
Saw a movie in a theatre: Last Tuesday when I saw Cars with Alycia and Sean.
Read a book: Do comic books count?
Had a snow day: Try never, seeing I live in AUSTRALIA.
Had a party: Whoa...haven't had one since... my birthday? Fuck damn that's ages!
Went to a doctor: The dentist a few weeks ago, and my mother a couple of days ago.
Tripped in front of someone: Yesterday I think?
Went to the grocery store: Not for ages...
Got sick: Last week when I was Lycanthropic.
Got cursed: I don't think I've been cursed before... I'm surprised.
Called someone: This morning, as in 2am type of morning.

Do You Prefer
Fruits/Vegetables: Vegetables. I'm bizarrely cautious of fruits.
Black/White: Black. Always black.
Lights on/Lights off: Really depends. Both have their therapeutic qualities...
TV/Movie: Movies!!!!
Body spray/Lotion: Lotion.
Cash/Check: Monies.
Pillow/Blanket: Blankets!
Headache/Stomachache: I'll take a headache any day instead of a gut ache.
Paint/Charcoal: Paint.
Chinese food/Mexican Food: Mexican...*drools*
Summer/Winter: Either or. In summer I can lap up the sun like the lizard queen I am, and in winter I can wear all my awesome warmer clothes.
Snow/Rain: Snow, unless I'm offered a fucking thunderstorm. I love storms.
Fog/Misty: And the significant difference between the two is?
Rock/Rap: Rock. Totally rock.
Meat/Vegetarian: I trust strange meats more easily than I trust strange plants.
Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate *nods*
Sprinkles/Icing: Icing.
Cake/Pie: Now that's a tough decision! Can I have both?
Strawberries/Blueberries: Neither. I don't *do* berries of any sort.
Ocean/Swimming Pool: Either. I'm a waterbaby and love swimming in both.
Cookies/Muffins: Both taste AWESOME.
Wallet/Pocket: Wallet.
Windows/Door: An open door provides more opportunities than a window will let you see.
Charles Chaplin/Chespirito: Chaplin, because I don’t know the other one.
Pink/Purple: Purple definitely. Pink is the lamest colour EVAR.
Cat/Dog: Totally a dog person, but I love my birdies more than both.
Long sleeve/short Sleeve: Long sleeves are hot, but then again so are tee shirts.
Pants/Shorts: Pants.
Winter Break/Spring break: I love breaks of all varieties ^_^
Spring/Autumn: Spring, seeing I was born in that season.
Clouds/Clear sky: It really depends on my mood.
Moons/Mars: The moon. I have no idea why.
Questions/Answers: Without questions the world is boring, but without answers it's too confusing. So I'm a fan of giving and recieving both.
War or Peace: Fucking peace! I'm a sporadic lefty for a reason.

Love and All That Crap
Do you believe in love?: I think my recent LJ posts reveal that I am ever so slowly allowing my non-belief in it to wash away.
What's the most important kind of love for you?: Hey hey, slow down there Sally. There's more than one kind of this thing?
Have you ever been in love?: I’m not in a state to be totally sure.
Been close to love?: Same as above.
If you have, with who?: --
Ever confessed your feelings to the one you loved?: I have confessed feelings yes. To the one they involve. Yesterday, actually. Dramabomb much?
Really badly so that it actually hurts and you cry at night?: Come again?
Are you in a relationship?: No.
If so, for how long?: --
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?: It'd be nice to think so, but the cynic in me believes there are some people who never will have someone, or be fit to have someone.
What is your idea of the best date?: Um, I'll be damned if I knew? Conversation, close proximity, doing something we both enjoy thoroughly.
What was your first kiss like?: Eh heh, yeah. About that. Hasn't happened. Well and truly it hasn't.
How old were you when you got your first kiss?: Oh yeh, rub it in with another question ay? Smarmy bastard of a survey...
Do you think love is worth nothing?: There was a time I'd agree thoroughly with that statement, without a second thought.
Best experience you’ve ever had with the opposite/same sex: Conversation. Deep, open and long conversation.
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?: Haha. Lemme think about that. NO.
Have you ever been dumped?: No.
Have you ever dumped someone?: No.

Am: a strange creature. I know this and embrace it.
Want: so much. For myself and so many people I can say I love.
Need: to sleep. More often, for longer, and at appropriate hours.
Love: my families.
Hate: my current familial situation. And my fucking job.
Feel: a little emotionally spent presently. You can prolly gleam it from me.
Did: do the macareena in the middle of a roundabout. I was sober too lol.
Miss: being somewhat more motivated than I currently am.
Am annoyed by: my apparent creative low.
Would rather: be brimming with ideas and motivation.
Am tired of: my past scars affecting my present so much. That and being so socially inept.
Will always: be dreaming.

What is your favourite genre of music?: Electronic, industrial, metal and darkwave.
What time is it now?: 2.35pm
How much money do you have right now?: A very good question. Once I pay back people and get paid back by others I'll be able to tell you.
Are you hungry right now?: Not really, even though I haven't eaten today yet.
What are you doing right now?: This test thingy.
Do you like parades?: Fuck yes. The colours and sparkles excite me.
Do you like the moon?: Yuh huh. I want to walk on it one day.
What are you going to do when you're done with this?: Play fucking OBLIVION. And maybe get some cheese.
If you could have any magical power what would it be?: Flight, biomancy (magic involving mucking about with DNA) and reality control.

Do You Think You Are
Funny?: I've been told I am, so I'll believe it.
Cool?: I am uber cool. And modest too.
Pretty?: I don't know. My opinion of me is skewed by low body-confidence.
Sarcastic?: Nah. Never. That's not me at all.
Lazy?: Oh totally. One Sloth elemental, coming up!
Hyper?: Not so much.
Friendly?: Depends on my level of intoxication... but generally yeh.
Evil?: The Queen of Dark Lizards and Lizardy Darkness is REQUIRED to be evil. So of course I am.
Smart?: I believe so, but I can be a little oblivious.
Strong?: Physically yes, especially for a girl my size. But emotionally, despite what impression I give, I know I'm not.
Talented?: In some areas, definitely.
Dorky?: Oooooooh yeh. Geekoid!

What Comes to Mind With the Word
High: hopes.
Lonely: cold.
Pen: my medium of expression.
Flower: floral sex organs.
Window: voyeur.
Psycho: Blood swirling down the plug hole.
Brain freeze: Sucks to be you! I don't get those!
Strange: Myself.
Sassy: I am feeling fat, and SASSY!
Suffering: isolation.
Art: Giger, Dali, Stelarc, Duchamp.

Would You Ever
Sky dive?: Sweet fucking Satan I'd love to.
Run away?: I don't know. If things were fucked enough maybe.
Curse at a teacher?: I wish I had at school.
Not take a shower for a week?: I can deal with it if I had to. My skin would hate me for it though.
Ask someone out?: I've done this, and it is the most fucking nerve wracking thing ever.
Unscrew your cellphone too see what's inside?: Absolutely. I'm merciless when it comes to dissections.
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?: Depends just how significant the lie in mind is.
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?: Hells yeah.
Go scuba diving?: I've done it and loved it.
Write a book?: I'm in the process, actually.
Assemble a computer?: I'll be fucked if I could be assed to.
Become a rock star?: Oh don't tempt me bitch. Of course I would!
Have a long-distance relationship?: I would go nuts without proximity.
Marry someone you don't know?: I'm not a marriage person, so that's a huge FUCK-OFF NO.

Last Questions
What kind of computer do you have?: A two-year old Acer Travelmate. I love this thing.
What grade/level of studies are you in? (if applicable): Second year undergradute film student.
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?: Depends on the person *evil grin*.
How many posters do you have in your room?: 5 big ones, three paintings, 11 random things I've pinned up, and a mirror.

Fuck damn that was long. Anyway, that's all I have for now, so til later!
S&Mel, Queen of Dark Lizards and Lizardy Darkness.

stunted emotional growth, quiz results

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