Complexities. [VARIOUS]

Jun 07, 2009 21:01

filter: Silvana

Although I am not entirely aware of what our next moves may be for the moment, I am prepared to fulfill anything that any one may ask of me. Please: inform me if any of you are in need of assistance.

filter: Hitsugaya; Moderately Hackable

That was, indeed, a most enjoyable game. I look forward to playing against you again in the future, if that is suitable.

private: Moderately Hackable

I am afraid that I have neglected to compile my thoughts upon this delicate topic for quite some time now. My notes, however, are now adequate enough for me to begin.

Investigation #019: The Bombing of Parliament and the Shadow on the Horizon

The most recent tragedy of our time is the terrorist attack upon the Parliament Building of Bellcius, capital of Ivona. The blast took many lives, among them being several key figures in government and the President himself.

Confusion, sadness and outrage spread all over the nation, as indicative of the network posts made in response to the incident. The resounding question, however, was a matter of who was responsible. Fingers were, of course, pointed at Vohemar, and also, at the Badlands - at the moment, it has been confirmed that Joseph Falls, the man who stands at the forefront of a move to unify the Badlands into a single nation independent of Ivona and Vohemar.

That, however, is the 'official' word on the matter.

Captain Alex Rowe, commander of the Silvana and my own superior officer, recently claimed accountability for the bombings - true to my own suspicions, he and a cover team handpicked from the crew of the Silvana infiltrated the Parliament Building while the ship itself was in Solare for a humanitarian mission. They planted the bombs, believing, all the while, that they were the devices that Alex had originally had at hand for reasons that he is yet to divulge to the rest of the crew.

This only leads up to one conclusion: the government has chosen to pin the blame wrongly upon Falls and his group. I can only assume that their motives for doing so are to allow Ivona to legally invade the Badlands in order to rectify the situation.

As things stand, there are more questions than there are answers. First: what pushed my Captain to infiltrate the Parliament in the first place? Second: who switched the devices around with bombs, which then caused this tragedy to befall Ivona? Third: who stands to benefit from this war on the horizon?

I am the fourteenth to carry the Kuzunoha title - my duties are to the denizens of the Fold, and to protecting them and the rest of Reial from each other. An incident like this, however, stirs my heart in a way that I am unable to describe. Perhaps there is something that threatens Reial itself, something that may force me to neglect my primary duties in order to preserve the whole.

ADDENDUM, added after Alex Rowe's post: ...And it appears as though I have a few of my answers.

contacts, other forces in the floating world, silvana, curious incidents

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