So today posed as a very... eventful day.

Apr 03, 2010 00:42

I ventured out in public again. Which was great. I got an approving head nod from some guys. I feel fucking amazing. It's great. But I come home, and my grandmother and I start discussing hormones. Cause I'm hoping to start taking some soon... My mom butts in and asks why I'm planning on taking those. So I answered "Why do you think?" And laughed. There was a better way to do that. I know. But she scoffed and said that I was being ridiculous. Then proceeded to ask me when this 'stupid phase' was going to be over. That was uncalled for. Completely. I'm getting more support from others. But the more support I get, the less supportive she is.

So I have been making plans to move up to Indiana with my best friend. They have more job opportunities up there, plus her area is an extremely GLBT friendly area. I just need to figure out how to break the news to Mother Dearest. There is a reason I'm calling her that. A mean reason... But a reason none-the-less. I'm bitter about her statement and this is how I deal.

Now... On to the research for finding therapists and stuff. I'd really like to get this hormones thing started... Soon.

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