
Mar 22, 2012 14:17

New kitty still doesn't have a name. We'll have to name him soon - I keep calling him "babe" or "little one".

In other news: So they've announced the new "Doctor Who" companion. I'm kinda disappointed that they've gone for a pretty young girl again. I think it would have been cool to have a male assistant or an older woman. Something different. Oh well. We'll soon see how it goes.

Also, congratulations to Jared and Genevieve Padalecki on the birth of their first child - a boy called Thomas Colton Padalecki. Great name, I think. Classic.

I watched "Unforgettable" last night - 1x11. I really enjoyed it this week actually. Loved the team interaction. I officially ship Roe and Carrie (love their little scenes) but I also like Roe with the lab girl. It's gotta be down to the actor. He's so cool. Interesting enough case although I totally guessed who the killer really was. This show is slowly improving.

I also watched "The Secret Circle" - 1x15. Thought this episode was okay although I was really tired for some reason so it didn't get my full attention. Interesting to see Cassie's father reappear. I wonder what he's really warning her about? Can he really be trusted? And why is Adam's dad so scared of him?

tv: unforgettable, tv: doctor who, tv: supernatural, tv: the secret circle

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