They're not like the Loch Ness Monster, Dean. Dragons aren't real.

Aug 25, 2011 10:52

On Tuesday night I watched It was a good enough episode but a little bit too serious for my liking (especially when talking about this show - I have other shows I watch for the serious stuff) but it was nice to see them address what happened to Myka's previous parter and I liked the idea that the guy who killed her previous partner not only had help from the secret service but also had an artifact. It made sense really and explained why it had been unsolved until this point.

Some great Pete/Myka moments too. I really do love their relationship - whether you want to see it as possibly romantic or not it's great to watch and they're so cute together.

Nice 2nd storyline too. Nice to see Jinks again and I loved the introduction the the dog. Awww. Is he a new official member of the Warehouse now too? And they've finally found out that that FBI lady isn't what they think she is. I wonder what's gonna happen with that. Did she mean for them to find out because it all seemed a little too easy to me.

Looking forward to next weeks!

After that I watched "Falling Skies" which was okay. It's kinda disappointing that it's taken as long as it has to improve. We've only got two more episodes left now and while it has got better along the way I don't think it's got good enough. FX are showing the final two episodes as a two-parter next week.

Obviously the skitters used to be human - are Ben and Rick gonna change too?

Then last night I watched the finale of "Nikita" - 1x22 "Pandora" - which was good but, as I predicted last week, just couldn't live up to how good last weeks was. If they'd put a "to be continued" at the end of the last weeks it would have been a cracking finale! While this episode had some good moments and some interesting events it seemed like it could have been the season two opener instead of the finale.

I wonder why they didn't make last weeks the finale? It would have been so much better.

Then it was "Supernatural" - 6x12 "Like A Virgin" - which I was really enjoying when I thought it was just a standalone monster of the week episode (we haven't had one of those in a while) but then it got a but mytharc-y at the end and I couldn't help feeling a little bit disappointed.

It was nice having Real Sam back (I'd missed him more than I'd realised) and his scenes with Dean were really nice. I'd missed that. I felt sorry for him when he knew something wasn't right but he didn't know what and I was pleased when he called Castiel down to help him figure it out. I felt really sorry for Castiel when he went to hug him but Sam sat down and left Castiel with his hands just held out for nothing. Awww.

Sam: Look, I would hug you, but...
Cas: It would be awkward.


I also liked how Bobby just couldn't look at Sam the same way again knowing that he'd tried to kill him - even though it wasn't really Sam. It's hard to forgive and forget something like that even when you know what Bobby knows. It was nice to see Sam apologise to Dean and promise that he'll try and fix things.

We're over half way through the season now and I'm interested in seeing what could happen next. While I don't think this season has been as strong as the previous I am still enjoying it. And don't think it's as bad as some of the things I'd heard. Although I do still have ten episodes to go.

After that I watched "Franklin and Bash" - 1x07 "Franklin vs Bash" - which I really enjoyed although I really didn't like seeing them being against each other in court and arguing outside it. But it was really nice when they realised they needed to work together to win the case. They work better together than they do apart. They're a team. Awww.

Oh, and how cute was it when Jared gave Peter that mix tape (well, CD). They're so cute together.

You know, usually during the summer I have nothing to watch on TV but this year I have a pretty full schedule. It's awesome!

tv: supernatural, tv: nikita, tv: warehouse 13, tv: franklin and bash, tv: falling skies

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