Apr 22, 2011 10:28
Happy Good Friday everyone. I hope you all have a great long weekend and enjoy the weather. I can't believe it's Easter already. This year is going so fast! Before you know it it'll be the summer holidays and then it'll be Christmas again.
On Wednesday night I watched the latest (in the UK anyway) episode of "Bones" - 6x16 "The Blackout in the Blizzard". It was a good episode that featured some nice Booth/Brennan moments as usual. These days I can't even seem to find a reason why they're not together. They both know how they feel about each other and have told each other so why aren't they together? I guess they're both not ready and don't want to risk what they do have by rushing into it. Or something? I just don't know how they're gonna keep them apart for much longer.
I liked that Booth wanted those sports seats because he attached them to a memory about his father - it was nice to hear a little more about his Dad too. I know they've touched on it a bit before but it's nice to see them reference it again.
I'm not usually a fan of the Hodgins/Angela stuff (in fact usually find it really annoying) but they did a really good job with it this week. It was nice to see them both admit their fears about the baby. It was also nice to see Hodgins confide in Wendell a bit. Considering Wendell and Angela had a thing in the past it was nice that he could be there for Hodgins and none of that history got in the way.
Seemed a bit silly them trying to solve the murder with no power though. Could they not have just waited til the power came back on? Although I suppose they did have the added issue of the murderer possibly being contagious to deal with.Maybe they couldn't wait?
After that it was "Castle" time - 3x07 "Almost Famous" - which was enjoyable enough but wasn't as good as the previous episodes. I did like Esposito and Ryan's scenes though. Especially when the guy thought Ryan was auditioning to be a male escort! Lol! Esposito was miffed that they didn't consider him. Lol!
The character of Castle is always awesome but I can't really think of anything to comment on.
Last night I watched "Chuck" - 4x14 "Chuck vs the Seduction Impossible" - which was pretty good but I'm beginning to think I'm over this show. I'm just not enjoying it as much as I was before the mid season break. The focus on Chuck/Sarah doesn't help as it's really starting to just annoy me. I love the character of Chuck but I'm beginning to really dislike them together. Sarah annoys me in their relationship, she just seems to treat him like she's his mother and he needs protecting. Surely there's gonna come a time when he finds that really annoying? Especially with his actual mother around at the moment. I don't know how long I can keep watching episodes where they just seem to be going on about their impending wedding or bickering about what the other person wants. The focus needs to shift a little bit, I think.
I'm starting to think the show has run it's course. Maybe it's time to call it a day?
I've been watching "Hellcats" too - which I quite enjoy. I think I want to ship Dan/Marti. I wonder if that's gonna go anywhere?
This morning I woke up pretty early again so found an episode of "Quincy ME" to watch - it was about cosmetic surgery going wrong and the doctor performing not being properly licenced to perform it. I thought the storyline was quite ahead of it's time considering it was made in the 70's. I used to really enjoy watching reruns of that show years back and I think it's still a good show. I love it when Quincy get's all shouty and drags everyone along on his crusade again! It's what makes the show!
Been watching reruns of "ER" season three as well. I've seen them all before but it was so long ago it almost feels like watching them for the first time. When I compare the earlier seasons to the ones right at the end you can really notice to decline in quality. The later ones - up to about season 13 which is when I think I stopped watching as much (I did see the final few episodes though) - were still good watching but nothing can beat the classics.
Shame I go back to work on Tuesday so won't be able to watch these early morning reruns anymore.
tv: chuck,
tv: bones,
tv: er,
tv: hellcats,
tv: castle