I can't think of a title

Apr 13, 2011 15:08

My tattoo seems to be healing up nicely - it doesn't hurt as much anymore and has scabbed up in a few places. I think it takes longer for a foot tattoo to scab up anyway, right? I still can't stop looking at it. I love it so much! I think everyone is getting sick of me looking at it and going on about how much I like it. Lol!

In other news: I watched "Glee" on Monday night - 2x14 "Blame it on the Alcohol". I enjoyed it but I wasn't a big fan of the moral of the story this week. They were pretty much saying that drinking any amount of alcohol is bad and I don't really think that's always true. Of course, getting wasted every day or going to school/work drunk isn't gonna be a good idea but having a beer every now and then or getting wasted at a party once a week isn't always gonna be a bad thing. It's all about moderation.

I did enjoy Will and especially his scenes with Bieste - I love those two together and think the writers have done a really good job with their friendship and it was nice to see them going out together and having a laugh. Although maybe they shouldn't have done it on a school night (assuming it was a school night) and him drunk dialling Sue by mistake was definitely cringey. Although, how were Sue and Emma so close to each other in his mobiles contacts?

Some cool music too. The Will/Bieste duet was great - I'd actually been waiting for them to sing together - and I really liked Blaine and Rachel's version of "Don't You Want Me".

While I'm not enjoying this season as much as season 1, I still think it's watchable and will continue watching it until it isn't.

The last night I watched "No Ordinary Family" - 1x15 "No Ordinary Powell" - which was really good. It's taken this show a while to find it's feet but I think it has now. I'm really interested to see what's gonna happen next. I'm not sure if there's gonna be a season two but if there isn't I just hope we get all the explanations we need by the end of this one.

After that "The Vampire Diaries" returned to our screens after a short break with 2x17 "Know Thy Enemy" - it was good return and it was nice to see Stefan and Damon on our screens again (and Damon took his shirt of for some reason that was tenuously linked to the plot). I wanna know what that dude did to Alaric - is he like possessed now? I hope he's back to his normal self soon as I like him. I actually felt really sorry for him when Jenna reacted the way she did, even though I do think she had cause to react that way. I hope she comes around soon because I think Elena and Alaric are gonna need her.

I'm really not liking the Caroline and Matt stuff - she so should have embarked on a relationship with Tyler (I wonder if we're gonna see him again?) as I think they would have been so good together. What are Matt and Caroline's Mum planning now they know what they know?

On this show there's always so many plot strands running along together and it's hard to comment on them all as you don't know where they're all leading yet. They're doing a really good job of the story arc. I think it's the only one off all the shows I watch that doesn't do stand alone episodes.

"Bones" and "Castle" tonight!

tv: glee, tv: the vampire diaries, tattoo, tv: general

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