Apr 05, 2011 18:33
Livejournal was being a bit arsey yesterday. I did manage a post but it didn't make it very easy. Let's hope it's better now (although, I did try to update my profile earlier but that page wasn't working).
I just realised that I hadn't commented on the latest episode I saw of "Chuck" - 4x11 "Chuck vs The Balcony". While it great having him back I am now official sick of Chuck/Sarah (his attempted proposal was sweet though but that's mainly down to the fact that I love him), I hope Sarah going undercover is gonna put a stop to the lovey stuff. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against lovey stuff generally but I never shipped them in the first place and having their relationship shoved down our throats is just annoying. I'm certain that them getting together has be detrimental to the show. Her being undercover might make it better.
I still love the character of Chuck and think Morgan and the Buy More boys are very fun to watch though. We need more of that buddy stuff, I think.
Last night I watched "Glee" - 2x13 "Comeback". It wasn't a bad episode. Nice to see Will in it a bit more but having no Kurt at all wasn't a good thing. He's not even my favourite character but I think the episode really missed him. Good to see Emma back too, even if it was only for a couple of scenes.
Some nice music moments - fun to see them singing Justin Beiber (I'm not a fan but I don't get all the hate. If people don't like him then just ignore him and his music. It's not that hard). "Baby" sounded quite good all stripped down.
I think I wan tot ship Will and Sue sometimes. Their scenes at the hospital were really sweet. I'm not sure that I understand what they're doing with the Sue character though, she's all over the place. I liked it when she was a hardass with a hidden sensitive side but these days one minute she's openly nice to people and the next minute she wants to destroy them. I think I need a bit more consistency in my characters.
In other news: I'm still having some trouble with my shoulder blade - it's not as bad as it was last week but it's still hurting enough to mean I have to sleep on my back still as trying to sleep on either side hurts. It also really hurts when I first get up in the morning. I'm thinking maybe I'll give it til next week and if it's still playing up I should go to the doctor. It's definitely getting better though.
tv: glee,
tv: chuck