First of all I enjoyed this finale so much better than the previous two - last years was just a waste of an episode and season 3's would have been okay with a massive build up (I blame the strike, of course) and I still reckon the episode before it would have been a much better finale.
The case itself wasn't that great but, really, the episode wasn't about that. It was about the characters and how they felt about each other.
It totally made sense that Brennan would want to distance herself from Booth and home. She's confused at the moment (uh oh. Cliche alert!) and just needs time away from him. And being around her has got to be hard for Booth too. Maybe a year apart is the best thing all round?
I didn't realise the Army would come back and want Booth back - I didn't see that coming. Booth going away made sense again. Like I said being around Brennan has to hard for him now. He told her how he feels about her and she turned him down. I don't think many men would want to be around a woman who'd knocking him back all the time. He convinces himself he wants to move on but we all know that's never gonna happen. He probably knows it too.
The scene between him and Parker was nice too - Booth was using Parker as an excuse not to go and then Parker basically told him he should go.
Let's hope they both come back with a clear head and a better perspective in a years time.
The scene when Brennan told Booth she was thinking about going to Indonesia was so sad. Emily and David played that scene perfectly. Booth avoiding eye contact was perfect (like it would actually hurt to look at her) and I loved that she called him out on it. She wouldn't usually do that. Shows how far she's come.
Whey they said "here's to change", I literally said "No! I don't want things to change! Change is bad!" out loud. But I think this show needs change now. We're heading into season six! They need to shake things up a bit.
The final scene when he came to the airport to say goodbye was so heart breaking - I so wanted him to kiss her goodbye and he totally wanted to too but I think he didn't want to upset Brennan so he didn't. I swear there was a moment there where he started to go in for the kiss but didn't. He stopped himself because he didn't think she'd want him to.
As the credits rolled, I cried. It just felt so final. So like the end of the line for these two. Of course, it isn't. It just felt like it.
There was some nice interaction between other characters too - Brennan admitting to Angela that she worries about Booth getting hurt again all the time and that she doesn't know what their partnership means was sweet - and a massive step for her. It was nice to see Brennan actually talking that way. Angela was right, she should have really talked to Booth about it though.
Hodgins and Sweets were cool together - especially when they were stealing back Angela's fathers car. "Are you okay? What happened? - "gravity". Lol!
It was interesting that Sweets didn't go with Daisy - I knew he wouldn't though. She annoyed me a little bit when she just expected him to. It made a lot of sense that they told each other not to wait though. Although, didn't they get engaged a while back?
So, Hodgins and Angela are off to Paris for a year, Brennan's going to Indonesia and Booth to Afghanistan. Sweets and Cam are gonna be the only ones left. For a year! So, season six is gonna be set in a years time? When they all come back?
I know a lot of people were disappointed or unsatisfied by this finale but I liked it. It was epic and angsty. And a hell of a lot better than last years.
In other news: you know, I'm dressing as Alex Drake for this weekends Collectormania? Well, I can't decide what colour eye shadow to wear. What do you think?