I just realised that I don't post about this show enough - which is weird for me.
So it's getting very interesting now.
What's the deal with Alex, Shaz and now Ray seeing those stars? I got very worried when he mentioned it being like space and he felt like an astronaut mainly because the US Life on Mars did that kinda thing but the more I think about it the more I realise that they probably wouldn't do something like that. Firstly, it's kinda lame. And secondly, it's already been done. I can't see them doing it. I can see them putting lines in like that just to mess with out heads though.
Another very interesting thing was when Gene told DI Bevan something - it was clearly something major because Bevan definitely had a reaction to it - he freaked out! What was it? And when he told Alex it was "the truth, City are gonna cane United next season" was that a future reference or just a wishful thinking of a City fan reference? I can't figure that out. Great use of Phil Collins' "Mama" there too.
There are a lot of things in this show that I can't figure out. I can't read Keats at all. One minute I think he's creepy-bad and then I think he seems like quite a nice bloke.
The more I think about the more I don't think Sam is even dead. They never found the body and Gene's definitely hiding something. When he burned the jacket and files it didn't seem like he was burning evidence to hide something, it almost seemed like he was burning it for his friend. For Sam. He seemed quite sad.
Great scene between Shaz and Ray when they were singing "Danny Boy" - is the fact that they sang that song relevant or is it just another MacGuffin thrown in to confuse us!
I really can't wait to see how this is all gonna end. I have so many theories but with all of them there's always something that just doesn't fit.
In other news: creepy as hell episode of "Criminal Minds" last night - 5x12 "The Uncanny Valley". Oh, and the woman who played the creepy bitch in this also played a creepy bitch in "Bones" once - she was the one who shot Booth. Weird type casting there.