I watched "Paradox" last night and, even though it's still taking itself way too seriously for my liking, I enjoyed it yesterday. It was good to see them actually change the future - especially seeing as last week they didn't. Whatever they did, it still happened anyway. I also liked the way one of the cops was wondering whether they should be interfering anyway. Showing him wearing a silver cross around his neck obviously to show his religious nature was about a subtle as a brick though.
They just need to add a bit of humour to this show and it would be so much better. I always think that shows with a premise that's a bit out there needs some humour to balance it out. If this show did that it would be much more satisfying.
I did like the mention of the many worlds interpretation - that made me smile because it was mentioned in pretty much the same way in Monday nights "FlashForward", This shows share so many similarities so the fact that both shows mentioned the same thing in the same week just seemed cool.
After that I watched "Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus" on Sci-Fi. I was a quite disappointed in it, to be honest. I was expecting it to be one of those so bad it's good monster features but I ended up thinking it was just really boring. The scene of the shark eating a plane was funny as was the one of it eating the golden gate bridge but there just weren't enough scenes like that to sustain any interest. Disappointed.
In other news: Jo, Vicky and I have been trying to organize a day when were can do our Christmas TV Marathon ( last year we did one where we walked Christmas episodes of some of our favourite TV shows) but it's proving to be quite difficult so we might not be able to do it this year after all, which sucks because I really enjoyed last years one. I actually compiled a list of possible episodes the other day for it - and tried to include different ones to last years. I'm thinking that if we can't all get together to do it I might just do it one day on my own. Probably sounds really sad and it won't be the same on my own but I was really looking forward to watching those episodes. I don't want to have to wait another year.
Also, I'm thinking about ordering some of
these boots (there's some more pictures of them on the
Converse site here). The only thing putting me off is the price really but I suppose they're not that expensive for suede boots, are they? And they do only have them left in my size on the Office site.
ETA: Bugger it, I just ordered those boots! Lol! I hope they look as good in real life! They're listed as out of stock now. Looks like I got the last pair.