
Nov 15, 2009 21:20

Well, it was better than the easter episode (that I can't even remember the name of at the moment) but still not quite classic New Who. There was some nice stuff going on though, I liked the way The Doctor wrestled with himself about whether to save everyone or not - it's a fixed point in time so he shouldn't change it but at the same time would anyone be able to just walk away while they were all dying?

We've had references to how the Doctor needs to have someone there to stop him when he goes too far before and it was even more obvious in this episode. And he does need it. He does need someone there to reign him in every now and then and this episode was the perfect example of that. Having said that, would Rose or Donna or Martha just let him walk away if they were there? If they could hear people dying?

The Doctor just needs to know that the Time Rules are there for a reason and just because he's the last of the timelords doesn't mean he can just do what he want and to hell with the rules.

The supporting characters were all interesting enough but nothing really special (we need someone to write another Sally Sparrow type one of character). This episode all about the Doctor though and seemed more of a lead up to the upcoming Christmas episode than anything else really. The trailer for that upcoming episode was really good too.

It was good but I just keep thinking that it's time now. It's time for change. Everything's got a bit stale now and I can't wait for the new era to come.

In other news: "The X Factor": Jedward live to sing another day! Woo hoo! Speaking of, watch this interview with them. "I can't believe we're on Sky News, hi Grandad!". Lol!

tv: doctor who, tv: the x factor

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