So, after posting last night I went to bed - slept pretty much all the way through and woke up just before 8am like usual and I still felt tired! How does that work then?
I still felt a bit "bleh" but went to work as usual - I had to excuse myself from rhyme time because I'd been feeling dizzy though (I just didn't have the energy for a music/movement session) which then led to everyone at work asking me if I was okay for the rest of the morning. Very sweet but kinda annoying as I was running out of ways to say "I feel rough".
I did manage to set the Sky+ for an episode of "Medium" on Sci-fi and a couple of episodes of "Without a Trace" before going to sleep though. Whether I'll actually get round to watching them is another thing though.
Also, there's only one
movie quote left to get. It's a classic actually and I'm surprised no-one's got it yet.