Last night I decided that I'm gonna attempt to make a "Primeval" mood theme. First of all I thought about doing a general show one but then I decided on doing a Connor/Abby one but after looking at screencaps I think it might end up being a Connor one (with a few of Abby thrown in for good measure!). Luckily Connor has quite an expressive face
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Aww, maybe it'll be up tomorrow?
I hope so :). Its tough avoiding the Primeval community and your entry about the last episode (as I don't want to spoil anything). I watched the third episode of the first season last night :). It was awesome!
Aww, I hope you see it soon. Primeval is awesome. Full stop.
Me too! :) It is. I really don't know what I am going to do until it starts up again next season (or until Space plays the second season). I read on the Primeval community that they sold the rights to play Primeval on BBC I am hoping that means that maybe they will end up bringing both seasons to region one dvds :). hahaha if sooo...I am totally getting them :D!
Ooh, maybe there will be a Region One DVD then? I hope there is so you can buy it. The behind the scenes thing made by Andrew-Lee Potts which is gonna be on the series two dvd set sounds so cool! Here's what Andrew-Lee said:
"The idea was, because obviously being one of the five principal characters I was in there every day, in the mix and we all get on really well with the five, so I could probably get in a bit closer than a normal documentary team, so hopefully you'll see some stuff that you wouldn't get in a normal documentary. It's kind of a documentary but with my sense of humour, so God knows what it's going to be like."
I am hoping so. There wasn't for the first season...but maybe if it becomes popular with the States that they will actually put it out on DVD. OMG! That sounds wicked! Anything that is filmed behind the scenes from the people involved is usually amazing (I say usually because there is the odd thing that turns out horrid)!
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