Feb 19, 2008 08:44
I accidentally scratched my new tattoo last night! I was just laying in bed scratching my arm then I realised and was like "oh crap! Uh oh!" and then quickly put the light on and checked. Thankfully it's okay - none of the scabs have come off. Phew. I can't believe I did that.
It's really scabby now so hopefully it won't take long to heal properly. Then I can start planning my next one.
"Without a Trace" wasn't bad last night - i'm sure I recognised the main girl from somewhere. Gonna have to look her up.
Btw, on "Eggheads" there was a question about the term "jump the shark" - the question was something like "which term taken from an episode of the TV series Happy Days means a decline in quality of a TV show" and the Eggheads didn't know it! I totally use that term all the time (which I usually have to explain to the person I've said it to) but didn't realise it was use enough for it to be used on a TV quiz show. It made me happier than it should have really. Lol!
Speaking of shows jumping the shark - I'm actually begining to think that "ER" might have - it's been gradually declining in quality since season one really but it's still been good but I'm really just not feeling this season. It's weird because characters have come and go loads of times before - it's managed to survive Doctors Greene, Ross and Carter leaving but I really think the gap left behind by Luka and Ray has really made it not as good as it used to be. I mean, I loved Carter for years and really missed him when he left but not like this - and the show was still good after he left. Making characters like Morris do more just isn't enough, I'm afraid.
Everytime I even think of the show I think the same thing - I miss Ray.
Maybe I'm just bitter about the way the makers of that damn show treated my ship! They totally owed me one but decided to screw me over instead. Bastards.
Channel 4's timeslot's really not working for me either - I'm sure them putting it on at that time is just an excuse for them to get rid of it after it gets low ratings.
Speaking of ratings; I want to compare the "Doctor Who" and "Primeval" but I'm not sure where to look - I would look on Wiki but a) they're not always reliable and b) I've heard that there's "Primeval" spoilers on there so I think I'm gonna avoid the "Primeval" entry for the rest of the week.
I'm sure "Doctor Who" got more ratings than "Primeval" in series one (of "Doctor Who") but I want to know what series three did. I'm just interested even though I hate the Doctor Who/Primeval comparisms because they're not the same. Although, ITV did bill "Primeval" as their answer to "Doctor Who" and lots of people do watch both shows.
Anyway, does anyone know where I might be able to find the ratings for both shows?
ETA: Hmm, the first episode of New Who got 10.8miliion viewers but that leveled of over the first series. The second episode had 7.9 bit I think the average for series one was between 7-8. I think series two probably averaged the same thing but I can't find out for series three.The Christmas specials get about 9m each year. I think "Doctor Who" is watched by a little more than "Primeval" but then it's "Doctor Who", isn't it? It's got all that history and stuff.
ETA 2: The first episode of "Primeval" got 7.09million viewers and series one seemed to follow that trend with between 6-7million each episode - apart from episode 4 which was 5.8m. I can't seem to find out for series two (and I'm avoiding spoilers so it's okay) but I think I read somewhere that it's averaging about 6m.
So, after that extremely interesting bit of information I've deduced that Doctor Who gets more viewers - but not by much. I do want to know if it lost any viewers during the first half of series three but I can't find that out.
I think I'm gonna add up the raitings and get an average per series - because I'm geek like that!
ETA3: Okay, averages:
Doctor Who series one: 7.34m
Doctor Who series two: 7.71m
Primeval series one: 6.34m
The viewing figures for Doctor Who are really inconsistent. Like "The Rise of the Cybermen" in series two got 9.2million viewers and then "The Age of Steel" dropped almost 2million and got 7.6million. I guess people tuned in to the first part because it was the Cybermen plus, it was the Football World Cup that summer and there could have been a match on before it. And "Bad Wolf" and the "Parting of the Ways" got 6.81 and 6.91 respectively - compared with the rest of the series which averaged between 7-8. Weird.
Primeval is much more consistant.
Now if I could find the listings for Who series three and Primeval series 2 it's be much more complete.
tv: doctor who,
tv: primeval,
tv: er,
tv: general,
tv: without a trace