Mar 09, 2017 17:24
So, I haven't posted in a while again. My bad.
Anyway, since my last post I've been watching my shows as usual but also been getting into the football more this season than I have in ages. I don't know why but I'm enjoying watching the games and I'm getting into Spurs again. I really like the current batch of players and Mauricio Pochettino is a dude.
I've also started watching the "Lethal Weapon" TV remake. I watched the pilot last night and thought it was okay. I liked the new Riggs but I'm not sure about the new Murtaugh. His character seems wrong somehow. I'll give it a few more watches.
On the subject of all my other shows - I'm enjoying "The Flash" as usual but instead of trying to stop the future and messing it up why doesn't Barry just take Iris away from Central City? Surely if she's not there then Savitar can't kill her? Or is it more complicated than that?
In other news: last Wednesday I went to the O2 Arena to see the Kaiser Chiefs! They're always good value and didn't disappoint (even if I do think the venue is too big for them. I loved seeing them at the London Palladium). They did a real mixture of songs like they usually do and all we performed with the same amount of energy as usual.
The new stuff sounded pretty good and got people singing along but the crowd always get going when they sing the classics, especially "Ruby" and "I Predict A Riot" and once everyone was on their feet for those two I don't think I sat down again. I came away with a T-shirt, a poster (I have nowhere to put) and a pair of socks (cool). I enjoy seeing this band but I would like a smaller venue tour next time.
Speaking of gigs, and smaller venues, I booked a ticket to see Josh Doyle again in April. He's playing at a pub called the Islington. He's always good so I'm looking forward to it.
tv: lethal weapon,
music: kaiser chiefs,
tv: the flash,
music: gigs,
tv: general,
music: josh doyle