Yesterday we headed to HMV in Oxford Street for the Kaiser Chiefs live performance/signing.
Doors were at 1pm and after standing outside for what seemed like ages we got inside and went upstairs to the room where the live/signing stuff happens. The performance started at about 2.15pm (ish) and the band performed 7 songs, "Parachutes", "Hole In My Soul", "Why Do You Do It To Me", and "Stay Together" from the new album and "Ruby", "I Predict A Riot" and "Coming Home". They performance sounded good but I couldn't see much really because we were at the back.
Once the performance finished the signing started - we waited for maybe an hour? (maybe less?) while other people went through for the signing. Things moved fairly quickly so I expected that the signing itself would be quite rushed but it wasn't in the end.
Anyway, after that wait it was our turn. We watched the people infront of us getting their autos and some people were getting pictures. I had decided to just focus on chatting to them instead this time though. First up was Peanut who was super nice - he signed my CD, I asked if he would be able to write my name on it and he asked what my name was and the correct spelling. I commented that the album sounded good (they were playing it during the signing) and he said thanks and commented that you never know what people are gonna think when it comes out, he then thanked me for coming and asked if I'd seen the performance earlier (I said I was atthe back so I didn't see it but I heard it and it sounded good) Oh, and his shirt was really cool. I told him so, obviously. He was really nice and friendly. Dave had a brief chat with him too. Then I moved on to Whitey who was also really nice - he thanked us for coming out and he seemed quite surprised when I asked him how he was! I think I also mentioned to him that the new CD sounded good, he thanked me for buying it.
Next up was Simon who was standing up - he was very tall, and really good looking in real life (like disarmingly so). I think he shook my hand and thanked me for coming out too - I mentioned that I really liked his T-shirt and he said that everyone had said that! I think he then said something about where it was from but he was very softly spoken so I didn't really hear him. I think I said something to him about the album sounding good. Then it was Vijay who is super cute - he shook my hand and said "Hi, I'm Vijay" which I thought was really sweet. I said "Hi, how are you doing?" and he said that he was better now they'd put the fans on because it was quite hot earlier. I think I also told him that I thought the album sounded good, and he also thanked me for coming. After talking to him I started to walk towards Ricky who was talking a picture with the two fans in front of me, I very nearly walked into the back of the picture so I stepped back - Vijay told me I should just go in the back ground!
Finally was Ricky. Who was sitting on the table and taking selfies (I really hate that word) with almost everyone! When I got there he said something like "Tracy, hi again, it's been a while, how have you been?" which totally threw me and I just said "Yeah, I'm good thanks" and before I had chance to really say anything else he held his arms out and said "come here" and an incredible awkward hug followed. Ricky said "that was a bit awkward, wasn't it?" and I said "yeah, it was, but there was a table in the way!" (the angle was off as well), after that I think Dave must have been getting his phone out and Ricky said something about taking a picture (for the record, I wasn't actually gonna ask for one), he then said something like "are we gonna use yours, Dave?" (he'd seen Dave's name on the CD, I think) and smiled at me. He then took Dave's camera and put it in selfie mode. I didn't really know what to do standing behind him so I just put my hand on his shoulder gently. Dave then started to come in next to me too, and Ricky said "Dave!" and I directed Dave to go round to the other side. Ricky then took loads of pictures on Dave's iPhone.
After that I kinda wished I'd got pictures with the other band members too because they were all so nice - and I love them all.
Here's pictures:
(Click for full size)
In other news: I've watched a few more shows,
"Arrow" - 5x01 - I thought this was a pretty good start to the season and I'm interested in how things are gonna go from here - are they gonna get some new people to join Team Arrow? How is Oliver gonna be able to balance being the Green Arrow and the mayor?
"Blindspot" - 2x04 - I thought this episode was quite good but I was surprised that they believed that woman so easily and I was almost convinced that she was making it all up and I kinda wanted that to happen, to be honest. I'm interested in just how important Weller is in all of this.
"Timeless" - 1x02 - I'd heard that this wasn't that good but I thought I'd give it a watch anyway. It ended up being a lot better than I expected and I quite enjoyed it. I've always enjoyed timey wimey stuff and I thought this was interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing how things go from here and what things they might end up changing by accident.
"Hooten & The Lady" - 1x04 - I've really started to enjoy this show. I think Hooten and Alex are really good together and I really like how their friendship is progressing and how much they've started to care about each other. I don't know if they're gonna go down the romance route with them but I kinda like what they have now.